From the Principal's Desk...

Dear Parents and Caregivers


As we progress through Term 4 I remind parents and caregivers of the opportunity to continue to foster a positive home/school partnership with our staff for the benefit of your child/ren. It is imperative that we continue to work together to consolidate the learnings this year and assist the students to remain focused on their learning. We encourage parents and caregivers to continue to have conversations with teachers in regard to their child/ren's progress and where the need arises, request and book a meeting to catch up. 


Congratulations to our Interschool Athletics Team last week who competed in the ACC A Division Athletics Competition. The students represented St Helena's with pride and competed well throughout the day, with some impressive individual and team efforts. A great effort in coming 6th overall. Thank you Mrs Hesse for organising the whole carnival for the 8 Catholic Primary Schools involved. She did an amazing job! Thanks too, to the staff and parents that assisted on the day.


Yesterday we had Fr Bona visit us, along with Fr Felipe Fernandez, who was recently newly ordained. Fr Felipe is joining Fr Bona in the St Helena of the Cross Parish and we will see both Fr Bona and Fr Felipe at various Liturgies and Masses that we celebrate at St Helena's moving forward.


Our Year 1 and Year 2 students commence swimming lessons next week. Please read the School Notices below for more information.


As we continue to focus on this year, planning is also well and truly underway for 2024. Please let others know of our wonderful Little Adventurers - 3-Year-Old Program we have at St Helena's, as we are continuing to accept enrolments for 2024. We also have limited spaces still available for Year 1 and Year 4 in 2024.


 As always, there is lot's happening in our school community. Save the following dates:

Wednesday 22 November @ 10:00am and 4:00pm - Kindergarten 2024 Orientation 

Thursday 23 November @ 6:00pm - Annual Community AGM 

Friday 24 November - P&F Disco 

Friday 1 December - Carols Night (Christmas Concert)


Please refer to our calendar on our website under the Parent Hub for other up-and-coming events in Term 4.


All welcome to our Xavier Liturgy on Tuesday 7 November at 8:30am.


Today being All Saints Day and tomorrow All Souls Day, we pray together.




Peace & Happy Days!

Santino Giancono




Click here for a brief history or St Helena's Catholic Primary School, providing a Catholic Education in Ellenbrook since 1999.