Classroom News

 Year 4

The Geckos and Koalas have had an exciting start to Term 4. With swimming lessons Week 1 and 2, the students have had a nice ease into teaching and learning this term.


Term 3 saw the year 4s learning all about colonisation and our First Nations peoples. In Week 3, we took a trip down to the Western Australian Museum, Boola Bardip, where we were given the opportunity to explore the perspectives of First Nations people and interactions with the British settlers. 

We had two lovely museum guides take us on a ‘Cultural Collisions’ tour, who gave us a bit more insight into the communications between the two cultural groups, both positive and negative. First, we were taken to the ‘Ngalang Koort Boodja Wirn’ gallery. Here, students were encouraged to reflect on the thoughts and feelings of the First Nations people when faced with the destruction of land and culture. Our students were eager to explore the gallery, learning about Noongar cultures, languages and laws. Students were most excited to see some familiar faces – our West Aussie sportsmen, authors and artists! 

Our students were eager to explore the gallery, learning about Noongar cultures, languages and laws. Students were most excited to see some familiar faces – our West Aussie sportsmen, authors and artists!

The ’Connections’ gallery was up next on our tour! Here, we learnt about times where the First Nations people and the British settlers worked together to problem solve and offer each other a helping hand.