Year 5 Excursion

On Tuesday the 24th October, the Year 5 classes experienced a day at Parliament House and the Electoral Commission Centre in Perth. Whilst in the upper and lower house, the students were able to sit in representatives’ chairs and discover interesting facts about the history of the Speaker, the mase, the black rod and proceedings in Parliament.

The students were taken on a tour of Parliament House and visited both the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council rooms learning more about how the Australian system of Government works.

Whilst in the upper and lower house, the students were able to sit in representatives’ chairs and discover interesting facts about the history of the Speaker, the mase, the black rod and proceedings in Parliament.

The students also visited the Electoral Commission Centre where they participated in a mock election after learning all about free and fair elections, secret ballots and how democracy works with preferential voting. According to both year 5 classes, Skittles are the favoured sweet treat, winning the election in both classes.