Religious Education and Social Justice

Prayer for Celebrating Diversity in Our Community

On Wednesday we had a wonderful day celebrating the many cultures of the families and staff in our community. We give thanks for the beauty and joy that each culture contributes to our school community.

Gracious God, 

we come before You with open hearts, 

rejoicing in the diverse cultures 

of Your children. 

We pray that You guide us 

to embrace and celebrate 

the varied cultures, nationalities, 

and experiences that unite and enrich us 

as one body in the spirit. 

Help us not only to appreciate 

but also learn from our differences, 

ultimately fostering deeper connections

 and understanding among us all. 

May our unity be a testament 

to Your divine love 

and an everlasting beacon 

of hope for humanity. 


Social Justice News: Zooper Dooper Fridays

As part of our Social Justice initiatives, our Social Justice Leaders will be selling Zooper Doopers on Fridays this term. The money raised will be donated to Catholic Mission and the Mary MacKillop Foundation to help support the wonderful work they do in working with people in need. Zooper Doopers cost $1.00 each. 


Thank you for your support.


Jane Wilkinson

Religious Education Leader