St James Religious Dimension

Religious Education / Parish News




Thank you to all the families that attended last week's Reflection Evening. It is always such a wonderful opportunity to come together and explore the sacraments.


For those that were unable to attend, an Operoo was sent out on Tuesday morning with all the information that was shared on the night. Please do not hesitate to contact myself or Aidan if you have any questions.


We are very excited to start up again, the St James Choir is to sing at the Sacrament of Confirmation and we invite all students in Year 3 to 5 to join the hoir.


This requires students to attend the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday 17th of November at St Joan of Arc. Students are to be dropped off at 4:40pm in their full school uniform and be collected at 6pm. 


Yesterday we met for the first time and I thank all the students that attended. It is never too late to join and we will be meeting again next week on Tuesday during the first half of lunchtime and Thursday during the first half of recess.  


Secondary Enrolments

If there are any parents that require dates or a letter confirming sacraments, please email and I will be able to provide that information for you. 


Important Dates


Thursday 9th - Year 6 Confirmation Reflection Day

Wednesday 15th - Bishop Ireland to meet with students @ 9:30am

Friday 17th - Sacrament of Confirmation @ 5pm, St Joan of Arc


Emma Herbert

RE Leader



How to Sign up for as a parishioner of Bayside Catholic Mission



For Parish Newsletters, please refer to the new Parish Website