It is hard to believe that we are in week 6 and our final term. So much has taken place these past few weeks, with grades 4, 5 and 6 attending camps, our preps visiting the Werribee Zoo, class expositions and so much more.
Please be reminded that this week we have no school for students on Thursday and Friday. Staff will be undertaking professional learning around the consistent use of planning documents and data analysis to support teaching and learning across the school. I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend and spending time with family and friends.
Yesterday we saw the new padded sleeves secured onto the football goals, basketball, and netball posts. While these are heavy duty and secured, we ask that everyone keeps an eye out on the appropriate use of these posts. We are not to hang off them, jump on them etc; as they are there to protect us when playing sport or running around the school grounds. I really appreciate the respectful use of the school grounds over the weekends and after school and appreciate families looking after our facilities.
We are in the process of finalising staffing for 2024. Lisa Harmer has been approved 12 months leave and we have appointed a new teacher for this time. Our Business Manager, Sara Brennan has been successful in a new position at Oberon Secondary College in 2024. We have appointed a new superstar for the role, Jacquie Clancy who will commence in January. Renita Michielin’s contract is finishing up at the end of this year. We thank Renita for stepping in this year teaching LOTE and have loved having her as a member of the team. Due to complexities with staffing availability in the area of LOTE, we will be putting a 12 month hold on our Italian subject, while we review this with staff, students, and parents within our community. Students will, as outlined in last newsletter undertake 12 months of STEM/ICT in place of this.
Amy Frueh joined our staffing team last week. Amy is an Occupational Therapist, that we have appointed in a 12-month position, sharing with Ashby, Newtown, and Hamyln Banks Primary Schools. We are excited by this appointment and look forward to Amy getting to involve herself in our community.
Thank you very much to the Social Services committee for the organisation of the Shining Blue for SIDS fundraiser today. And of course a big thank you to our students for their support in purchasing the 400 tattoos and blue donuts. These are much valued funds raised for the River’s Gift foundation and we are extremely grateful that we were able to support this great cause.
Please keep an eye out for communications from the Junior School Council in regard to our Cultural Day of the 24th of November. Although specific details of this day are yet to be confirmed, we are excited to announce we will have a delicious assortment of food on offer for lunch on this day. We have a variety of food trucks and local restaurants on board, whereby we will have our own lunch orders, along with presentations during afternoon assembly.
We are very excited to be welcoming our new prep students next Friday morning. Please make these families welcome if you see them in the yard.
I thank all families for their continued support and although a busy time of the year we are looking forward to the last 6 weeks.
We would like to thank Pam who has finished in her role as our crossing supervisor on Pakington St last week. Pam was a lovely addition to our community and enjoyed greeting students and their families each day. We have sent Pam a gift and card on behalf of the community and wish her all the best for the future.
Kind regards,