Principal's Report

Dear ESC Community,
Cashless society and Mobile Phones?
As we draw to a close to the year, I wish to remind you of the College Mobile Phone Policy Mobile-Device-Policy-2022.pdf ( Please understand that this is a statewide policy, not something unique to Epping SC.
Over the past few month's students have been using their mobile phone to make purchases at the canteen.
This is understandable as most people are now cashless and use the digital wallets stored on their phones to essentially tap and go.
Whilst this convenience reduces the need to carry cards, it conflicts with the statewide policy.
I am informing you that the College will strictly enforce the policy of phones in the canteen in 2024 to the extent where the canteen will not accept ‘tap and go’ from a mobile phone.
Please make necessary arrangement from now until the start of next year to get a physical bank card.
2023 End of Year Program
As the end of year approaches there are a number of key dates and programs for families in Years 7-9 to be aware of.
If you have any questions regarding these events, please speak to the relevant year level leader.
Classes will run as normal for all Year 7, 8 and 9 students until the 8 DEC. Students will be involved in special activities from 11-15 DEC.
From Monday 18/12 and 19/12 there will be an alternative program for students with a 1:30 finish on both days.
Please note the canteen will be closed on the last day for students; all students are required to bring their own food.
The schedule for the day is outlined below:
- P1 and 2: Classroom Pride and Conscientious Conservation – Weeding, mulching, and vegetable gardening. Classroom organisation and cleaning.
- P3 and 4: Film Screening
Planning for 2024
It is at this time of the year when I put out a request for information from parents.
Due to the high demand for places at the school, we have a number of students in Year 8-12 for 2024 waiting for a place in the school.
Whilst we are mindful of managing student numbers, we do want to give students and families who want to be part of the Epping Secondary College Learning Community the opportunity to do so.
However, we cannot offer a place until we know that a vacancy exists.
Can I ask all parents of students currently in Year 7-11 to please communicate with us if you know that your child will definitely not be attending Epping Secondary College in 2024.
This may be because you will be moving address, possibly moving interstate, or perhaps your child will be pursuing an enrolment in TAFE, into an apprenticeship or other pathway.
Please contact the relevant person below to provide this information only if you know that your child will not be attending Epping Secondary College in 2024.
Year 7 - Mrs Bianca White
Years 8 & 9 – MS Bianca Walker, Ms Lia Privitelli
Years 10 & 11&12 – Mr Ned harper, Ms Guilia DeVinentis, Ms Rebecca Munari
I thank you for your cooperation.
Anesti Anestis
Acting Principal
Epping Secondary College