2024 Y12 Students

On the 24th of November this year, we the 2023-year 11s were handed our year 12 jackets for the upcoming year.
It’s truly amazing the impact these jackets have on our lives.
These jackets mean a lot to many of us, commemorating the important milestone we have reached before continuing onto our next chapter in life, a symbol of all the hard work and memories that we have made throughout our high school journey.
The moment of opening the jackets and trying them on brought a mix of emotions, the ability to say that we made it and having the honour to represent the school in the most unique and meaningful way while connecting us with the sentimental value that comes with the jacket.
On this day we weren’t just given jackets we were handed the responsibilities of being a senior student and reminders of friendships, memories and more that connect us together and unify us as a whole.
This day is one that many will remember for the rest of our lives, it’s a way of showing pride and respect to our school that we will hold for life.
-Karla Roets