VM Students 

Trades For Teens Project.

Epping Bunnings, together with the City of Whittlesea, initiated a pilot program ‘Trades for Teens.’ 

The aim of the program is to introduce young people to various trades through a workshop experience run by qualified trades people.

This is the first program offered by Bunnings and our students were chosen to participate after Bunnings staff recognised their positive input at Greenbrook Community House and at Lalor Community Gardens during their Urban Harvest participation this year. 


The workshops will run over 3 days. The students will work on projects with experienced staff, giving them the opportunity to use tools and resources from Bunnings.

They will learn some valuable DIY skills and will leave the workshops with not only new skills, but also a tool kit from Bunnings!


The following photos capture our students from Year 11 VM participating in their induction tour. 

We look forward to sharing photos of them creating some masterpieces that will be donated to the local community.

We thank Bunnings and the City of Whittlesea for providing our students with this valuable opportunity.



Last session on Tuesday 21st of November, the volunteers from the CFA come through to meet and thanked Hadi, Ahmad, Joshua T, Hussein K, John Liapis, Aaron Fisher and Yaser Ali for assembling the outdoor couch set. 


They shared how nice it was that they can put it in their reflection room and the importance of creating such a space where the volunteers can sit chat and offload with their colleagues. 


They provided a certificate to the school to show appreciation. 


The group were then invited to jump into the fire truck which they absolutely loved!! 


After that, the boys had a visit from Simon Chard, Centre Operations Officer from City of Whittlesea where he thanked the group for building a garden bed that will be set up at the Epping Community Centre.


Simon explained the importance of giving back to the community and how even the smallest efforts can really make such an impact in someone’s life. 


The garden bed will be utilised in a project for local community, so he was thankful for their contribution. 



The boys have truly been a wonderful group.


All of the Bunnings team and staff from the City of Whittlesea who work with them have really enjoyed working with them.






Antoinette Rehak