Year 7

We would like to begin by paying our respect to the local indigenous people from the Wurundjeri Willum clan past, present and emerging as they are the traditional custodians of this land where we are meeting upon today!
Hey everyone, we have named our year 7 group editors {THE MINIONS} hoping we are able to continue these fun newsletters and for the years to come!
Our year 7 newsletter is about our journey, upcoming events/notices and sad dad jokes.
How does a penguin build a house? Why was the snowman looking Igloos it together through a bag of carrots? He was picking his nose.
What do you call a pig that does karate? Anyone can roast beef Pork chop. but nobody can pee soup
The minions – Welcome to our year 7 community, we’re getting super close to the end of the year.
Well done to the year 7’s for really pushing themselves throughout this year, hopefully we’ll see each other in year 8.
Thanks to the teachers and the year 7 coordinators team for organizing pizza for the year 7’s we all had a very fun time with our friends.
Thanks heaps to 7F for making the delicious pizzas!
Our year 7 newsletter team decided to interview the current Principal, Mr Anestis. And what a pleasure it was.
We would like to share his responses with you.
Mr Anestis’ favourite colour is dark green.
His age is more than 40 and less than 60.
He became a teacher because he likes helping people figure things out and sharing his ideas.
His strengths are that he is a clear and good communicator.
If he had one wish it would be for unlimited wishes.
His favourite food is Lasagne with roasted vegetables.
His hobbies out of school are singing, chess, seeing friends/family and doing something that involves sport.
Mr Anestis was a very energetic student and quite creative with in his learning.
If he could improve on himself, he would improve on his health, wellbeing, and his relationships with family and friends.
He likes to think he can always be open to improving himself.
Mr Anestis admitted to barracking for Collingwood, which is more of a weakness, although they did win the premiership.
Thank you for sharing your interests with us.
Sincerely, Elijah, Eloise, Sophie, Aaliyah. (YR7 students)