Our Star awards...
You're a Star Awards for Week 5 of Term 4 were awarded at assembly on 3 November:
Class | Name | Reason |
FN | Madeline M | For being organised and responsible for her things during swimming week. Super work Maddie! |
FH | Ollie J | For approaching each day with a big smile and positive attitude. You're a star Ollie! |
FB | Larni E | For always being a kind and upbeat member of FB. Your positive outlook on learning is fantastic! |
FW | Finn L | For working super hard this week and writing an awesome recount. You're a superstar Finn! |
1P | Sean E | For being very responsible and organised during our swimming program this week. Thanks for being amazing! |
1P | Max J | For an amazing guided drawing of a spider. Fantastic detail Max, you are a superstar! |
1J | Eddie A | For working hard all week to be independent during Grade 1 swimming! |
1J | Archie C | For being super independent and resilient during Grade 1 swimming! |
1S | Jaina C | For being brave and showing a growth mindset during our week of swimming! You did such an amazing job Jaina!! |
1W | Evie G | For her excellent organisational skills during our swimming week! Well done Evie. |
2G | Lila W | For demonstrating resilience even when you were injured. Well done Lila! |
2M | Hayden P | For showing responsibility and resilience throughout our busy swimming week. |
2N | Liv S | For always showing kindness and friendliness to her peers, and for working well on set tasks. |
2T | Jessie V | For always trying her best and having a positive mindset. Well done! |
2T | Louis G | For having a positive attitude and trying his best everyday! |
3B | Ruari S | For his fantastic effort during our vocabulary lessons for Storm Boy this week! Awesome work Ruari! |
3H | Sammie H | For collaborating well with her group to write an explanation text on how rivers are formed. Well done! |
3J | Noah M | For making some excellent vocabulary suggestions to enhance our explanation text. Well Done! |
3R | Erica C | For using new information to write an outstanding explanation text! |
4B | Jay S | For asking meaningful questions and providing insightful responses during our 'Wonder' novel study. |
4B | Abby W | For her outstanding contributions and insightful responses during our novel study on 'Wonder'. |
4D | Leo B | For having a great sense of humour, being a good friend to all and for your efforts in your school work. Well done! |
4P | Sienna C | For consistently striving for excellence in all that you do at school & for being so engaged with your learning. |
4S | Louis S | For his thoughtful and respectful attitude daily and always being a great friend. |
4S | Edi S | For her immaculate 'Wonder' workbook, filled with in depth responses to our comprehension questions. |
5G | Alex K | For his excellent participation in responding to questions based on our class text. Great Work! |
5G | Sullivan W | For his excellent participation in discussion and his well written responses to comprehension questions about our class text 'A Single Shard’. |
5H | Willow K | For consistently maintaining a high standard of excellence within the classroom. Well done! |
5O | Sophia M | For always having a positive attitude and sharing well-thought out answers during class discussions. |
5R | Georgie W | For always offering her assistance to teachers to help with extra tasks. |
5S | Georgia C | For her positive contributions to class discussions, and for working exceptionally well on all tasks. |
6B | Sienna S | For consistently working to the best of her abilities and getting along with others. |
6C | Scarlett A | For her hard work and making great progress towards completing her writing pieces for her Memory Book. Keep it up! |
6M | Isla R | For displaying empathy and kindness towards her peers. Your consistently high work ethic sets an example for those around you. |
6R | Kyle K | For the excellence you show in all subjects, particularly within maths! |
You're a Star Awards for Week 6 of Term 4 were awarded at assembly on 10 November:
Class | Name | Reason |
FB | April B | For being helpful, kind and a positive role model! |
FH | Lyla H | For the determined attitude you display each day and always striving to improve and do your best! |
FN | Emily M | For working so hard on your detailed Information Report! Super work Em! |
FW | Matylda S | For always being a caring friend and consistently being a role model by demonstrating her classroom responsibilities. |
1P | Jack V | For working well in group, sharing ideas and his thinking process. Well done Jack keep it up. |
1P | Avi S | For working really hard in Maths. Explaining his answers and problem solving. Well done Avi. |
1J | Asha H | For working really hard to be cooperative and share during group work! |
1S | Zoe O | For always being eager to extend herself, and creating and amazingly detailed information report about spiders! |
1W | Arnie L | For displaying his skills of co-operation during Think Time Thursday. Well done Arnie! |
1W | Jack G | For his fabulous co-operation skills during Think Time Thursday. Great to see Jack! |
2G | Thomas B | For demonstrating resilience and bouncing back even when you are injured. Great effort Tom! |
2M | Emilia S | For always showing integrity by being a thoughtful and trustworthy class member who makes great choices. |
2N | Hamish K | For working hard to complete his character narrative. Well done Hamish! |
2T | Celine S | For reading aloud with excellent expression and working hard on writing tasks. Well done! |
3B | Rocco W | For his awesome effort during our vocabulary lessons for Storm Boy this week! Well done Rocco! |
3H | Bobby H | For contributing to our novel study discussions and using evidence to support his written responses. |
3J | Curtis A | For his written responses about our class novel Storm Boy, that reflect his depth of understanding. |
3R | Jacqueline B | For always being a kind and considerate friend! |
4B | Mia I | For her outstanding explanation text display on bees. |
4B | Lucette M | For showing her 'writers voice' in her engaging explanation text. |
4D | Akinyi O | For your wonderful explanation writing piece on the sunflower. Well done on your efforts Akinyi. |
4P | Erica M | For writing an engaging and well organised explanation text about the life cycle of a platypus. |
4S | Reuben A | For being a highly inclusive student who brings kindness and positivity everyday to all around him. |
5G | Evie S | For her excellent contributions to class discussions and assisting your peers in class. |
5H | Xavier M | For consistently pursuing his personal best in all subjects and setting an excellent example for his peers. Well done! |
5O | Alex B | For always working to the best of his ability on every task he completes. Well done! |
5R | Eve M | For always collaborating with her peers to achieve high results! |
5S | Jude H | For approaching all activities with a positive mindset and being a great friend to all! |
6B | Sage H | For getting along with her peers and consistently displaying respect towards both her classmates and teachers. |
6C | Lyla H | For being a helpful research assistant to her Prep buddy. Well done Lyla! |
6M | Jackson C | For being a positive role model and taking the lead during our 'Market Day' sessions. Well done Jackson! |
6R | Indy C | For her work ethic across all areas of her learning and the respect she shows to her peers and teachers. Well done Indy! |