What's Happening in Primary

News and Information from Primary

Year 3/4 Camp

Last Thursday and Friday the Year 3/4’s had the privilege of going on the bi-annual camp to Port Arthur Historic Site, Richmond and staying at the Blue Lagoon in Dodges Ferry. 


This year's camp was amazing!  We went to Port Arthur and went on a boat ride around Port Arthur.  We also went on an amazing camp with all of our friends.  We had so much fun at the camp playing games and hanging out with new friends!

Havana (Year 4 student)


This year's 3/4 camp was amazing because we went to Port Arthur!  At Port Arthur we went on a cruise with all our friends.  The place we stayed was Blue Lagoon, it was so fun, they had two huge slides!  We had cabins, the limit was 2-8 people.  We had so much fun. The food was delicious.  The camp was amazing.

Hadassah & Isla (Year 4 students)

Visual Art

In Visual Arts the students have been exploring Australian Indigenous Art styles.


After looking at some modern artworks students also learnt how their art is often about plants, animals, and the country they are part of. 


The students created pictures based on their own special place or animal. All the students have also been introduced to some new digital art apps on IPads. They had lots of fun discovering what they could do with these apps, many keen to see if they could have them at home too (in case anyone is interested, free apps - Doodle and Sketches School).


Mrs Judith Clark

Primary Assemblies

As a school we are always excited to welcome families to our Primary Assemblies each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please be advised of some happenings at assemblies over the coming weeks:


ICAS Certificate Presentations

We will be presenting certificates to all students who participated in ICAS in 2023 on the following dates:


Friday 17th November:

Digital Technologies




Friday 24th November:



Spelling Bee

Upcoming Dates:

  • Friday 24th November - Schools Triathlon Challenge
  • Friday 24th November - Prep excursion - The Hive
  • Wednesday 29th November - Prep to Year 6 Orientation Morning
  • Friday 1st December - Devonport Show public holiday
  • Wednesday 6th December - DCS Celebration Service
  • Monday 11th December - Primary 'Splash' Celebration Day
  • Tuesday 12th December - Last day Term 4
  • Tuesday 12th December - Whole school awards
  • Tuesday 12th December - Primary Reports sent home with students
  • Please refer to the Schoolbox Calendar for further events and information