
From our Principal - Mr Chad Smit

God's Majesty in His Creation

This past long weekend, I had the privilege of finding myself walking along a Tasmanian beach and paused to take it all in. Just standing on the beach, being in awe of His beautiful gift of the ocean. When you stand on the shore, toes buried in the sand and gaze out at the vast expanse of the sea, it’s impossible not to feel a sense of wonder. The ocean is a canvas on which the Lord paints His majesty and power, wave after rolling wave. Just as each wave is unique, so are each of us, crafted by God’s hand to be a testament to His beauty and grace.


The Bible speaks often of waters—rivers, seas and oceans—and their relationship with God. In Genesis, the Spirit of God hovered over the waters of the earth, infusing them with life and potential. In the Psalms, we read that “the sea is His, for He made it, and His hands formed the dry land” - Psalm 95:5. It is wonderful to think that the same hands that calmed the stormy sea in Mark 4:39, that offered living water in John 4:10, that showed us the way to walk on water in Matthew 14:25-29, also created you and me!


We see His mastery in the ebb and flow of the tides, controlled by His hand, not by the moon, a mere instrument in the symphony of creation. The waves obey Him, the winds hush at His command and the vast waters teem with life by His word. This reminds us that our lives, too, should move to the rhythm of His will, that in the midst of life's storms, we have a Saviour, Jesus, who walks on water, who reaches out His hand to save us when we start to sink.

But let us also not forget how Jesus often withdrew to the sea, to the mountains, to be with His Father. The waters can be a place of reflection, prayer and connection with God, just as I shared about my long weekend. Just as the river of life flows from His throne (Revelation 22:1), we are invited to drink from the living waters and find refreshment for our souls.


I cannot help but pause and reflect on the sea and ocean this week, as many of our students are experiencing activities around the ocean in the coming weeks. Last week our Year 3/4s took a cruise at Port Arthur, we have Year 5/6 Surf Life Saving mornings this week, our very first Year 7 Surf carnival as well as our schools triathlon events in the coming weeks. 

The next time you see the ocean or even a simple wave, pause and remember our Creator. Let it remind you to stand firm in your faith, to trust in the One who walks with you over the waters of life and to always seek the beauty of His creation as a reflection of His love for you. May you be filled with the peace that passes all understanding, and may you always feel the current of His unending love guiding you. 




Chad Smit  |  Principal