PFA Update
Annalie Darlington
PFA Update
Annalie Darlington
Key Dates
27/10- Icy Pole Fridays
27/10: 2nd hand School Uniform Shop
12/11: School Fete
Good afternoon all,
Yearbook Planning
Pre-purchase for the 2023 Yearbook is now open. 2023 has been a busy year with a calendar full of events, this book is a great memento of it all! The Yearbook contains the whole school (Prep to Year 6) and features students work, classroom pictures, and photos from various school events. Pre-purchase is the only way to guarantee you get a copy as print run will be limited. It will be delivered to classes in the final weeks of term.
Icy Pole Day
We will be selling icy poles each Friday lunchtime till the end of term from the kitchen hatch, with a special classroom delivery service for the prep classrooms before lunch. Please send a gold coin in with your child on Friday mornings. Due to time, we will not be able to offer change or let your child choose a flavour. If you can help please volunteer via the button below.
School Fete- 12th November
The PMPS school community is excited to be running our biggest fundraiser of the year, our school fete. The fete is a fantastic community event and couldn’t happen without the support of our sponsors and local businesses. The funds raised from this years Fete will positively impact our school by allow progress on the following projects:
Improve student toilet facilities,
-Completion of our sensory garden
-Develop and resource the new Masterclass subject we’re introducing in 2024 to provide targeted Literacy and Math to all students
-Ongoing enhancements to our learning spaces including painting, replacing carpets and updating furniture, to maintain the high standards our students deserve
We will be reaching out over the next few weeks for volunteers, for donations and requests to loan equipment. Please know all the support given to the Fete team is gratefully appreciated and helps raise much needed funds. In the meantime you can sign up to help on the day now. You can also pre-purchase your all day rider and Fete money now by heading the Fete Shop.
If you want to get involved in leading or running a stall please email the PFA. We need lots of volunteers for this event, but it is a lot of fun, so don't be afraid to put your hand up to help!!
Any questions or queries please email