Student Welbeing

Nurturing Teen Wellbeing Amidst the Middle East Crisis
As a community, it's essential for us to come together and support one another, especially when it comes to the wellbeing of our students and your young people who may be grappling with the impact of conflict.
Our Student Services team have created some suggestions to help nurture their wellbeing at home:
Understanding Their Perspective
Adolescence is already a time of immense change and self-discovery. When compounded with the stress of a constant narrative about war and conflict, young people may experience heightened feelings, anxiety, and uncertainty. It's crucial to recognise their unique perspective and thought processes during this time.
Open Communication
Create a safe space for open communication. Encourage your young person to express their thoughts and feelings, and actively listen without judgment. Understand that their reactions may vary, from anger to fear, and reassure them that their feelings are valid.
Establishing Routine and Normalcy
In times of crisis, maintaining a sense of routine can provide stability and comfort. Establishing a daily schedule can help a student regain a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos. This routine can include schoolwork, leisure activities, and family time.
Limiting Exposure to Media
Constant exposure to news and social media can be overwhelming. Encourage your young person to take breaks from the news and engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation.
Connecting with Peers
Social connections are vital for young people. Facilitate opportunities for them to connect with friends, even if it's through virtual means. Friends can provide a sense of harmony and understanding, making adversity more manageable.
Seeking Professional Support
If you notice persistent signs of concern in your young person, such as changes in behaviour, sleep disturbances, or withdrawal, consider reaching out to Student Services or obtaining an external referral through your General Practitioner. We can provide you with relevant support based on your young person’s presenting needs.
Encouraging Acts of Kindness
Encourage acts of kindness, whether it's helping their friends, volunteering at their local sporting club, or the simplicity of expressing empathy. These actions can foster a sense of purpose and resilience.
As always, we strongly encourage parents to get in touch with their student's Coordinator and the Student Services team if additional wellbeing support is needed.
Second Hand Text Books
Thank you to the families that donate their students' textbooks. To the donating parents it is recommended that you bring the textbooks to Student Services where parents and or students can attend and select their 2024 required books.
Women in Sports Breakfast
Nillumbik Youth have booked a table at Nillumbik’s second annual Women in Sport breakfast and we would love to invite interested young people to join us! This year’s event will feature a guest panel and address from keynote speaker Melissa Barbieri.
Melissa is an experienced public speaker who will talk about her personal story of resilience, sacrifice, and overcoming challenges. Melissa is a passionate advocate of women’s health, women in sport, and diversity.
Location: Eltham Community and Reception Centre.
Date and time: Friday 1 December, 7:00am - 8:30am.
Please provide interested student’s RSVP to Meg Exell, Team Leader Youth Development Community Partnerships 03 9433 3156 | 0428 577 464, limited spaces available.
MADELINE KAMAMIS, Student Services Leader