John XXIII Rowing Club 

Hollywood Bingo Fundraiser

We hope you are as excited as we are for our upcoming Hollywood Bingo Fundraiser event at the Thomas More Exhibition Centre, on Saturday, 4 November. To ensure you have a fantastic evening, here are some important details:

  • Date: Saturday, 4 November, 2023
  • Time: 6:30pm
  • Venue: Thomas More Exhibition Centre, John XXIII College

Event Highlights:

  • Dress to Impress: Feel free to don your best Hollywood-inspired attire, whether it's a glamorous Oscar night look or a character from a Hollywood movie. There are exciting prizes for the best-dressed attendees, so get creative with your outfit!
  • Pizza Delivery: Pizzas will be delivered starting at 6:45pm. To ensure a smooth process, please have your pizza ticket ready for easy collection.
  • BYO Beverages: We kindly request that you bring your own drinks, including soft drinks, and your drinking vessels to the event.
  • Bingo and More: We have an exciting program planned, including two rounds of bingo with multiple prizes. Additionally, there will be a few rounds of "heads and tails." You can purchase tokens via EFTPOS to participate in these fun activities during the event.

Thank you for your support of the John XXIII Rowing Club. We look forward to sharing a night of Hollywood glamour and bingo with you.



Jerram Gibson

John XXIII Rowing Coordinator