Boarding House

- Mr Andrew Monk

Newsletter Term 4 week 3


Hello from our 2024 Boarding House Captains.

"We are both in our second year of boarding at The Hamilton and Alexandra College and we have both loved the opportunities and acceptance that College has provided us. 


We are extremely grateful to have the opportunity to be The Hamilton and Alexandra College’s 2024 Boarding House Captains. We have big shoes to fill following our 2023 Captains, Henry and Sarah, who have fostered a culture of kindness and teamwork within our Boarding House during their time as captains. Charlie and I are keen to build on what Henry, Sarah and all our previous captains have built on and we intend to create an environment of trust and friendship that is able to represent our College values and create a home away from home." - Bella Chow and Charlie Mahar


A gift and gratitude




We have been extremely fortunate to receive a gift from a current parent, Penny Fraser, along with her daughter (Year 9) and sisters who are all Old Collegians. They have donated a piano to our Boarding House. The gift of a piano is one that all our boarders enjoy and share their passion of music. 


By extension, the piano that was replaced has now been placed at the Junior Campus for the junior students to enjoy playing before school and during their breaks. 


Thank you to the Fraser/Fyfe family for your kindness and generosity!