Middle Years

- Mr Ben Hawthorne

Dealing with nervousness 


Over the next two weeks the Year 7s and 8s will be off on their respective Outdoor Education Camps; the Year 7s to Glenelg River and the Year 8s off to the Otways. The lead up to camps is often a time of worry and nervousness for student. Worries include who will be in their group along with the unknown. This is very normal and is often the case with adults as well!


Ways to deal with feelings of nervousness:     


Don’t be afraid of feeling nervous

We should remind ourselves that nervousness is normal, and it can even be helpful.

We feel this way when presented with new challenges and opportunities so another way to look at these nerves is that the experience will help us grow. Nervousness is our body’s way of preparing you for what’s coming, which is usually something that’s outside your comfort zone. Letting go of our fear and accepting that it’s a completely natural experience can help keep our nerves in check.


Get into a positive headspace

A lack of confidence or worrying about mistakes are sometimes to blame for nervous. When you begin to doubt your abilities, find ways to get yourself into a more positive frame of mind. Using positive self-talk or imagining what it will feel like once the worrying experience is completed are all useful strategies. 


Talk about it

Sharing our feelings with someone we feel comfortable with can help put things in perspective. 



Learning relaxation techniques is useful for overcoming nervousness as well as managing stress in general. Nervousness can be overcome with simple relaxation exercises or preparing in advance for situations that can take you out of your comfort zone.


Ultimately, nervousness is a natural response to new experiences that are outside of our comfort zone. While uncomfortable in the lead-up and at the time, this feeling is only temporary, and you will feel better once the cause of your nervousness is over.