Junior Campus

- Mr Stephen Nelson


A reminder that our Junior School Grandparent’s Afternoon/Art Exhibition will be held next Monday at 2.00pm.  Special friends or family members are very welcome to attend as well. 


There will be an exhibition opening, tours of the Art Room, with the opportunity to view the student’s hard work, and complimentary tea/coffee and scones for grandparents.


Please register via the link below and sign in via the reception. 




The following students received awards at this week’s Assembly.

  • Year 1 - Harry Broeren for bringing focus, energy and enthusiasm to everything he undertakes.
  • Year 2 - Arthur Adamson for showing curiosity when researching the Green Sea Turtle and putting considerable effort into the presentation of his poster.  
  • Year 4 - Scarlett Hawker for asking insightful and valuable questions from the tour guides during camp to broaden her palaeontology knowledge.
  • Year 5 - Poppy Edgar for always displaying our School Values – resilience, optimism, gratitude, respect and compassion.  Poppy exhibits these values in our classroom and in any task, she undertakes within our school.
  • Year 6 - Arshi Woosantia for his focus and application to all learning tasks and for his support of classmates when writing our Mr Men stories, providing advice and helping them to problem solve.
  • Year 6 - Camilla Edgar for her focus and application during the writing process, planning, drafting and editing her Mr Men narrative; and for her support of classmates throughout the writing process, providing advice and helping others.


At the end of each year, piano teacher Mrs. Kathryn Salt holds a concert for the parents of her students.  It is a wonderful celebration of the year’s work. The concert will be held on Friday 24 November at 1.00 pm in the Refectory. 



Early Learning Centre - Students visited Walker’s Earthworks last Friday and attended a ‘Responsible Pet Education Program’ on Monday.



Year 1 - Students performed their Assembly “The Adventures of Frog and Toad”. They reworded the script, created their costumes, learnt their lines and stage positions, and sang and choregraphed a song.  Year 1s have also been investigating the relationship between addition and subtraction using ‘Fact Families’ this week. 


Year 5 - Students have been looking at the Industrial Revolution and Early Australian History, in particular the Gold Rush in readiness for their upcoming camp on 1 November.  They have enjoyed looking at some of the worst jobs in history and the awful conditions on the hulks in the first fleet.  We have also been studying this topic through poetry to link in with our Literacy unit.  Students have enjoyed listening to and analysing some great early Australian ballads.



Congratulations to the Junior School girls’ volleyball team who achieved second place in the Greater Western Region finals in Horsham on Wednesday. The team comprised Elsie Brown, Yolanda O’Sullivan, Jess Templeton, Sophie Satchell, Camilla Edgar, Grace O’Sullivan and Evie Templeton.  Thanks to Gapper Eve Greener for her expert coaching and support of the students. 


Our Year 3 and 4 students returned last Friday from an exciting three days in Naracoorte.  The camp was an opportunity to visit World Heritage listed sites, take on the challenges of caving, and spend time bonding with other students.  


Special thanks to Mr Jarrod Sweeney, Mr Doug Cameron, Mr Tim Cameron and Mrs Abbie Cameron for their support and encouragement of the students.  Well done to Mrs Bernadette Milich and Ms Patricia See for their organisational skills and pastoral care.  We review all our camps and overnight experiences.  If parents have feedback or recommendation for future camps, please send me an email snelson@hamiltoncollege.vic.edu.au .



World Teacher’s Day is celebrated in Victoria on Friday 27 October.  It provides an opportunity to acknowledge the crucial role teachers play in the development of students and learning communities.  Children carry what they are taught at a young age throughout the rest of their lives.  They will use what they have learned to influence society.  Everyone knows that today’s youth will become tomorrow’s leaders, and teachers have access to educate the youth in their most impressionable years — whether that is in teaching preschool, extracurriculars, sports or traditional classes.  Teachers have the ability to shape leaders of the future in the best way for society to build positive and inspired future generations and, therefore design society.  A big ‘shout out’ to all College staff - well done.


Our theme for the 2024 student diaries is ‘Australian Flora and Fauna’. Students from the Early Learning Centre to Year 3 and Years 4, 5 and 6 will be invited to submit their A4 portrait-orientated entries to the Junior Campus Reception by 27 October.  


Mrs Cameron will cast her expert ‘creative eye’ over entries, and two submissions will be selected for the Prep to Year 3 and Year 4 to Year 6 diaries. Best of luck to all students. 

Cricket - Year 5 and 6

The HDSA Year 5/6 Cricket competition is being held next week, on Thursday 26 October at Pedrina Park. 


All Year 5/6 students will participate, and the competition will run entirely during school time.