Deputy Principal, Wellbeing

 - Miss Kristen Waldron


The Israel-Gaza war is a distressing global event that has a significant impact on the lives of countless people. It's natural for children and teenagers to have questions and concerns about this conflict. As parents and caregivers, it's our responsibility to guide them through this challenging period and provide them with the support they need. Here are some suggestions to help you talk to your child about the Israel-Gaza war:


Start with a Conversation

Begin by asking your child what they already know about the situation. Children often gather information from various sources like TV, social media, school, and conversations with friends or adults. However, much of the information they receive might be inaccurate or incomplete. Listen to their understanding of the situation, correct any misunderstandings, and acknowledge their confusion.


Honest Reassurance

Children may have fears and concerns about the war, which might differ from those of adults. Therefore, it's essential to ask children directly about their worries. Provide honest explanations, correct misinformation, and avoid dismissing or minimising their fears. Help them identify healthy ways to cope with their anxiety, sadness, and fears.


Limit Media Exposure

Avoid exposing children to graphic images and repetitive media coverage. Excessive exposure can be overwhelming and make it difficult for them to understand the situation and manage their feelings. Consider taking a break from media and come together as a family and community for support.


The Australian eSafety Commissioner has contacted social media companies about the media content and will continue working with them to identify and remove illegal and restricted material wherever possible. To support this work, we encourage you to make yourselves aware of eSafety’s guidance and report content where appropriate. Please click here to review their factsheet on 'What to do if you see distressing content online'.



Initiate Conversations

It's crucial to discuss the topic with children even if they initially don't want to talk about it. Keep the door open for future discussions and let them choose the right time.

In times of war, open and honest communication with children is essential. Providing them with accurate information, emotional support, and the opportunity to express their feelings can help them better understand and cope with the ongoing situation.


Remember, it's not about having all the answers; it's about being there for your child and helping them navigate this challenging time.


Here are some resources to support you in discussions with your child.