From the Principal 

- Mr Michael Horne

This week is a significant one in the 2023 College calendar. We formally wish our Year 12s luck as they conclude their classes and begin exams next week, and we celebrate the successes of the year at Speech Day tomorrow. 


We celebrate our departing Year 12s in a range of ways this week: the Year 12 boarders’ final walk down the Myrniong drive this morning, the Year 12 Assembly today, the Boarders’ Dinner tonight; Year 12 Breakfast tomorrow, culminating in Speech Day at 1.30pm tomorrow. These events mark an important moment of transition for our graduating students. While the work isn’t done quite yet, these events enable us to pause and reflect that these young people are no longer children, but young adults ready for the world. I hope that they take and hold everything good about the College with them, and that this week’s celebrations encourage other younger students to reflect on the importance of their own cohorts and friends and to mark their progress through the College. Well done Year 12, and good luck.


I look forward to celebrating and reflecting on the year with many of you tomorrow at Speech Day. For those not attending in person, I invite you to follow the event via this link: