Student Wellbeing

Term 4
The last few weeks have flown past! I hope that you have been able to enjoy some of the sunny days that we have been having and are looking forward to the upcoming long weekend.
Secondary Sports Day
Secondary students had a fun and eventful day taking part in the Secondary Sports Day, held at Meadowglen Athletics Stadium. There was a range of events that the students (and staff!) participated in, demonstrating enthusiasm and willingness to give it all a go. Everyone had a wonderful time and their achievements were acknowledged with ribbons and certificates.
Year 12 Op Shop
Congratulations to the Year 12 students for their hard work during their Personal Development Unit, Giving Back. The students planned, set up and ran a second-hand store at school. The students raised over $700 in profit. They did a fantastic job sorting and pricing stock, setting up displays, dressing mannequins, marketing and serving customers.
The money raised will go towards a celebratory lunch, “Thanks for the Memories,” for current and previous staff that have contributed to Year 12’s education journey.
A big thank you to the Concord Community for their donations and supporting the shop.
Bronwyn Hart
Acting Principal
Student Wellbeing & Engagement