Teaching and Learning

Term 4
Teaching and Learning Week
Bush Dances are a time honoured and unique Australian cultural invention that were very popular in the 1970s and 1980s, and remain so today. On Tuesday 24th October, Lower Primary students, staff and families participated in an evening of music and dancing at the Bushwahzee.
During the rehearsal workshops, students learnt bush dances and songs and then enthusiastically performed a bush cabaret performance in the evening. It was a great community night of musical fun with many families attending. A big shout out to Alix Boyton for organising and coordinating such a fun and entertaining evening.
Congratulations to all students who performed and participated in the Bushwahzee!
Berry Street Education Model
On Monday 30th October, staff participated in Day 2 of the Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) training. The domains within the Berry Street Education Model are Body, Relationship, Engagement, Stamina and Character. The focus for the Curriculum day was all about the Relationship domain, building on the learning from the Body domain from Day 1.
Across the school we have had a focus on consistent, predictable routines to provide students with the opportunity to maximise success in all learning tasks and learning environments. Consistency and predictability are 2 key ways to support all students. A calm, consistent, positive environment is enriching and routines are a practical way to support a sense of calm, consistency across the school. Routines are a powerful tool for learning and wellbeing.
What structures and routines do you have in place at home to help your child on a daily basis?
Curriculum Day
Just a reminder that Monday 6th November is our final Curriculum day for 2023, followed by the public holiday Tuesday 7th of November Melbourne Cup Day. TheirCare is available for bookings on Monday 6th of November.
Take care,
Karlie Gooding
Acting Assistant Principal (Teaching & Learning)