Catholic Identity

2024 - New Beginnings
St. Mary’s staff began their year in prayer as we welcomed Fr. Novie and St. Joseph College with a combined Liturgy. Our theme centered around our Sandhurst Diocese Scripture verse ‘Behold, I make all things new’ from the book of Revelations 21. 1-6. This passage talks about the Alpha and Omega, meaning God is the beginning and the end of all things. This Scripture too, can remind us of the cyclical nature of our school year and the seasons. We have begun our year in the liturgical season of Ordinary time - green. The colour green is symbolic of life, hope and the beauty of nature in Summer time. With each new year comes the opportunity for New Beginnings. God gives us a chance to embrace fresh starts for new growth. Holidays that renew our spirits and a new year to embark upon paths filled with purpose in faith, trust and love.
God of new beginnings, new ideas, new creations and new hopes,
We come to you at the beginning of this year with many
feelings, anticipations, expectations, anxieties and dreams.
Help us to recognise that we are given NEW opportunities to hope, to create, to think and to begin again each and every day.
Help us to accept these opportunities as ways for us to
grow as an individual, as a teacher and learner,
as a parent, as a friend, as a grandparent,
as a community member, as a follower of Jesus.
This we ask through Christ our Lord,
Holly Morris
Catholic Identity Leader
Upcoming Event - Beginning of the Year Whole School Mass
This will be held prior to the beginning of Lent next Thursday at 12.30 in the Brigidine centre. All families are warmly welcome to attend the celebration of the new year. Fr. Novie will lead us in prayer and Year Six Learners will feature with specific roles during the Mass. An invitation will be shared via our socials leading up to the occasion.
Shrove Tuesday
Otherwise known as ‘Pancake Tuesday’ is definitely a highlight of our Catholic calendar! Happening in Week Three on the 13th of February. The day will mark the beginning of our fundraising efforts towards ‘Project Compassion’ - Caritas Australia. (More details about Project Compassion in newsletters to come).
Traditionally during lent Catholics would give up rich tasty foods such as butter, eggs and sugar. Shrove Tuesday was the last chance to eat them and what better way to do so than with a delicious pancake!
As part of our traditions and stewards of creation we are called to care for our world by choosing sustainable practices in all that we do. Hence St Mary's Pancake Tuesday will be as 'Waste Free' as possible. Last year we were able to donate any leftover ingredients to our St. Mary’s parish, and breakfast club - suitably sustainable!
On Monday the 12th in the afternoon from 2.05pm we will be making the pancake batter from scratch and if there are some St. Mary’s parents, grandparents or guardians who would like to help measure and make mixtures please email me:
Many helpers make light work!
Also we will require a number of helpers in the morning from about 8.00am to cook the pancakes on the BBQ. and serve until recess time, (provided all classes have visited the Brigidine Centre during that time). Again, please email with your availability.
We can cater for gluten free pancakes too. So any dietary requirements - can you please let classroom teachers know. However it did prove challenging to come up with recipes for egg and milk intolerances and cater to this. So if this is the case, we ask that if you could send your child to school with an alternative that would be great. Please see the attached flyer for any further details towards our St. Mary’s annual event.