Science News - Inquisitive minds create curiosity in learning! 

Creating Futures Together

Year 7 - Year 7 students have started to look at Science in the classroom introductory lessons. All students will begin to learn about safety and equipment they will use later in the Semester. 


Year 8 - Our Year 8 students are reviewing lab safety so that they can go straight into the Chemistry unit beginning with States of Matter. How can we change states of matter, why is important knowing substances and their states of matter? 


Year 9 - Year 9's are sparking! They are delving into the Electrical world. What is electricity?, how can we create charges without an electrical cord?, what would you do if there was no electricity in your house for a week? 


Year 10 - Year 10 Chemistry/Physics students have started to revise the Periodic Table in readiness for experiments and activities throughout the term.  


Year 10 - Year 10 Biology/Psychology students have looked at the Cellular differences between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells, then moving into DNA! 


Senior Students 

Have settled in and are busily learning content in regards to their subject areas.