Wellbeing News

Creating Futures Together

Welcome back to another exciting school year! For those who are new to our school community, we're thrilled to introduce ourselves as the dedicated Wellbeing Team for 2024. Our team consists of:


Celine Tsang-Student Wellbeing Leader/Counsellor








Fosia Mohamud-Mental Health Practitioner








Madeline Mitchell- Art Therapist/Counsellor



We've had the pleasure of getting to know and supporting the fantastic young people of WHSC throughout 2023, and we're looking forward to continuing our journey with you in 2024.


Our goal is to provide a safe and supportive space where your wellbeing and mental health are our top priorities. We encourage both parents and students to reach out early if there are any concerns so that we can offer timely interventions. Please be assured that counselling sessions are strictly confidential unless safety risks are identified. Parents can contact our Learning and Wellbeing Leaders to discuss concerns and initiate referrals.

For students, your first point of contact is your teachers and the relevant Learning and Wellbeing Leaders. You can also self-refer for wellbeing support using our student referral form Click Here. The referral forms are also accessible through the wellbeing office, which is open to all students. A member of the wellbeing staff will get in touch with you as soon as possible to schedule a session.

Back to school wellbeing tips:

As we gear up for the new year ahead, it's important to prioritise our wellbeing and set ourselves up for success. Transitioning back to school can bring its own set of challenges, but with the right mindset and strategies, we can navigate this period with confidence and resilience. Here are some wellbeing tips to help you thrive:


Establish a Routine: Setting a consistent daily routine can provide a sense of stability and help you manage your time effectively. Aim for regular sleep schedules, meal times, and designated study hours.


Prioritise Self-Care: Make self-care a priority by engaging in activities that rejuvenate your mind and body. Whether it's exercise, relaxation techniques, or pursuing hobbies, find what works for you and make time for it regularly.


Stay Connected: Maintain connections with friends, family, and supportive peers. Social support is invaluable for mental health, so reach out to others for support or simply to catch up.


Set Realistic Goals: Break down your academic and personal goals into smaller, achievable steps. Celebrate your progress along the way and remember that every step forward is worth celebrating.


Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine to reduce stress and stay present in the moment. Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can help you stay grounded amidst the busyness of school life.


Seek Support: Don't hesitate to reach out for help if you're struggling. Whether it's academic support from your teachers or guidance from school counsellors, there are resources available to assist you.


Stay Organised: Develop organisational skills to stay on top of your responsibilities. Use a planner, break tasks into manageable chunks, and keep your study space tidy to enhance productivity and reduce stress.


Limit Screen Time: While technology can be helpful, it's important to take breaks from screens and engage in offline activities. Spend time outdoors, read a book, or pursue creative hobbies to recharge your mind.


Practice Gratitude: Cultivate a gratitude practice by reflecting on things you're thankful for each day. Gratitude can shift your perspective and foster a positive mindset.


Strive for balance: Balancing responsibilities with leisure activities is key to overall wellbeing. Allocate time for academics, extracurricular activities, socialising, and relaxation. 


We hope you have a fantastic year, where the possibilities are endless. Let's embrace this year with positivity and resilience. Remember, taking care of your wellbeing is just as important as academic success. Here's to a fulfilling and successful year ahead!


Fosia Mohamud-Mental Health Practitioner

On behalf of the wellbeing team. 





Headspace: 24/7 phone counselling service for 12 to 25 year olds. 

P: 1800 650 890 



E-Headspace: 24/7 online counselling service for 12 to 25 year olds. 



BeyondBlue: 24-hour Phone and online counselling for mental health. 

P: 1300 22 46 36 



BeyondBlue also have a series of podcasts on various topics.   



Lifeline: 24-hour phone crisis support and suicide prevention services. 

P: 131 114 



Kids Help Line: 24/7 free phone and online counselling for 13 to 25 year olds. 

P: 1800 55 1800 



Q-Life/Switchboard: Free Online and Phone Counselling, information and advice LGBTIQ peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender. 

P: 1800 184 527 



VicHealth: Health promotion enabling people to increase control and over and improve health. Physical and Wellbeing activities: https://www.vichealth.vic.gov.au  


5 Ways to Wellbeing: Introducing 5 ways to improve your psychological and emotional health: https://5waystowellbeing.org.au/ 


1800 RESPECT: 24/7 free online and telephone counselling for Family Violence Affected Family Members. 

P: 1800 737 732 



Men’s Line: 24/7 Support, referrals and counselling for men over the phone and online. 

P: 1300 78 99 78 



Suicide Callback Line: 24/7 Phone counselling, online counselling and Video Chat. 

P: 1300 659 467 



Parent Line: State wide telephone counselling and support service for all Victorian parents and carers of children from 0-18 years. Experienced social workers, psychologists and family therapists can give families counselling and information around a wide range of parenting issues. 

P: 13 22 89 

W: Parent Line Link 


Black Dog Institute provides a free online resilience course – MindStrength - for 14 to 16 years, as well as their parents / carers.   

This site also provides information posters – one for students and the other for parents: https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/education-services/schools/school-resources/mindstrength/ 


Blokes Psychology has offices based in Scoresby.  They are a unique service as their primary target client group are males from the age of 5 onwards – they also work with people who want to learn how to support and communicate with the males in their life: 
