Year 11 into 12 Step Up Camp

Last Thursday, the 2024 Year 12 Cohort embarked on their final school camp. It was held at Lady Northcote Discovery Camp in Glenmore, where students got to experience a range of team-building activities such as a high ropes course, canoeing and a giant swing also spending a bit of free time exploring the vast property and all the camp had to offer.  


 In keeping with tradition, the students partook in the yearly trivia night versus the teachers. After a hard-fought game against an influx of teachers who popped into the camp to visit, the students sadly could not outsmart the teachers and copped a narrow defeat. 


I want to say a huge well done to all the kids who came along. Behaviour was fantastic as was their engagement in all the activities. Also, a massive thank you to the staff who attended. They all worked hard over the two days to ensure all kids had a great time. Thank you to all the teachers that attended the trivia night! You all definitely helped create a memorable experience for our students.


A shoutout to Mr. Geng for helping me keep the boy’s dorm running smooth. We had all boys packed up and at breakfast on time Friday morning… Same cannot be said for the girl’s dorm, haha. 


Another shoutout to Ms Cappola for creating 5 splendid rounds of trivia and popping in to help run it. 


And finally, a last thank-you to the hard-working front office staff who, without their support, this camp would not have run!


 Stu Carter

Year 11 Coordinator