Staughton College Dux

Staughton College Celebrates Outstanding Achievement: 

Tasman Broadway Shines as Highest Achieving Year 12 Student

Staughton Secondary College is buzzing with pride and excitement as we celebrate the remarkable achievement of Tasman Broadway, the highest achieving Year 12 student this year. Tasman's dedication, hard work, and exceptional academic performance have earned her a well-deserved Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) of 97.3, making her a standout student in her graduating class.


Tasman's academic prowess is not limited to her impressive ATAR; all of her subjects scaled to scores over 40, showcasing her consistent excellence across various disciplines. This outstanding achievement reflects not only her intelligence but also her unwavering effort and commitment to academic excellence.


As a student at Staughton Secondary College, Tasman has become synonymous with hard work and dedication. Her teachers and peers alike admire her relentless pursuit of knowledge, as she consistently goes above and beyond in her studies. Tasman's commitment to her education serves as an inspiration to the entire school community, demonstrating that with determination and effort, any goal is attainable.


Tasman's journey to success has been marked not only by academic excellence but also by her leadership capabilities. Serving as the School Captain, she has demonstrated a remarkable ability to inspire and unite her peers. Her leadership extends beyond the classroom, showcasing a holistic commitment to the betterment of the school community. What makes Tasman's achievement even more remarkable is that she is the only individual to hold the dual titles of School Captain and Dux since 2005. This rare combination signifies her exceptional ability to balance academic rigor with leadership responsibilities. Tasman's achievement joins a select group in the school's history, emphasizing the rarity and prestige of such a dual role.


Tasman's ambition extends beyond the classroom; she aspires to become a lawyer, a goal that aligns seamlessly with her passion for justice and advocacy. Given her exceptional academic record, dedication to her studies and leadership qualities, it wouldn't be surprising if Tasman Broadway eventually emerges as a prominent legal figure, making significant contributions to the Australian legal landscape. Looking toward the future, many at Staughton Secondary College wouldn't be surprised if Tasman Broadway's name becomes synonymous with even greater achievements. The aspirations of some even reach as far as imagining her one day holding the highest office in the country, becoming the Prime Minister of Australia. Tasman's drive, intellect, and commitment to making a positive impact suggest a future filled with accomplishment and leadership.


Staughton College takes immense pride in Tasman Broadway's achievements, not only for what they represent for her personally but also for the inspiration they provide to current and future students. Her success is a testament to the school's commitment to fostering an environment where every student can reach their full potential.


As we celebrate Tasman's accomplishments, Staughton Secondary College looks forward to witnessing the continued success and growth of this exceptional young scholar. May Tasman Broadway's journey inspire others to dream big, work hard, and strive for excellence in their academic pursuits.