Principal's Report

by Kristy Herridge


Year 12 Graduation

The other week I had the pleasure of attending our 2023 Year 12 Graduation at Tabcorp Park. The room was packed and a really great time was had by all. Congratulations to the class of 2023.

I am very grateful for the way this year 12 cohort have led the school in many ways including the way our extended student leadership group reignited the sense of belonging across the school at events such as the athletics, curriculum week, S factor and the whole school production. School Captains Tasman Broadway, Cherry Yueng and Vice Captains Gemma Norton and Nella Simpson have been key drivers of this. 

I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of our teachers and ES staff for their hard work and dedication in working with these students throughout their time at Staughton. I would also like to thank Year 12 coordinators Erin Baker and Chelsea Pollock for their work in supporting this cohort. 

Being the parents of teenagers is not always easy! I would like to acknowledge the parents of the class of 2023 for everything they have done to work with us over the years in making sure their children have been successful.


Awards Night

Last week we held our annual awards night for the first time onsite since covid in our multi function room. Thanks to the work of Natasha Berry and a number of other staff, the space was set up with class and sophistication. It was absolutely stunning and so fantastic to see so many students receive awards in recognition of their efforts throughout 2023. I thoroughly enjoyed the event and loved having an opportunity to share a sausage in between the junior and senior events. Congratulations to all that were involved and in particular to Ben Russell and Natasha Berry for co-ordinating the event with the heavy support of the student leadership team. Also, a massive shout out to the award recipients and their families. Congratulations!


Andre Warhurst LSL 

Our whole Staughton family would like to wish Andre all the best today on his LSL. In addition to this we would also like to congratulate him on being appointed to a new teaching position at a school that is substantially closer to home from the start of 2024. 

We would like to thank him for his many years of dedication to our school. He arrived at Staughton in the 1990’s and has taught across a wider variety of subject area than you may be aware. During this time he developed strong positive relationships inside and outside the classroom with generations of staff, students and parents. In fact some of those students are now staff members!

Andre has also been a significant leader at Staughton over a substantial period of time. He has been particularly passionate and influential in the development of our unique and much admired approach to student leadership as the long term leader of Student Leadership Team. 


VET awards

On Tuesday 21st November I had the privilege of attended the VET awards. It was a fantastic celebration of outstanding achievement and endeavour in a range of Vocational studies across our WEC. Staughton was really well represented with 18 students attending and receiving awards.

The following students received awards:

  • Jasmine Kelmencic
  • Rowaida Doar
  • Kayden Phillimore
  • Taylah Melford
  • Lemlem Gebretsadik
  • Rhianna Medici
  • Alex Shembri
  • Deklan Dycer
  • Semaj Cigobia
  • Jason Montgomery
  • Elijah Scollo
  • Sky Davis
  • Danny Robinson
  • Shannon Maher
  • Daniel Satiu
  • Chanelle Klemencic
  • Kelsey Williams
  • School Principal Award – Channelle Klemencic

Year 10 Careers Day

Last week our year 10 cohort attended either Deakin Uni or a VM immersion day. The day was really smooth and fun. The kids were all really amazing and Deakin put on 5 engaging workshops. Also a thank you to the teachers that ran the VM immersion workshops and to Elly Ho for coordinating the VM Industry Immersion day.


Celebrating Diwali

On Monday 13th November staff came together to celebrate Diwali. Diwali is the Hindu Festival of Lights symbolising the victory of light over darkness, good over evil and, knowledge over ignorance, something we all strive for every day. Thank you to the group of amazing staff who put on a lovely morning tea and led us in a prayer. 


Debating Showcase

Last week we celebrated our debating team with a showcase. Students were able to excitedly debate their final topic, one that was close to their hearts. I would like to congratulate Mr Kelly and all the students involved in our debating team this year.


High abilities Morning Tea

Earlier this week we hosted our High Abilities Morning Tea which seeks to celebrate the efforts and academic achievements of some of Staughton College's High Abilities Students. 

Current and previous SEAL teachers, staff involved in the Australian Mathematics Competition, or associated with the running of VHALP also came along to celebrate with the students. It was a great celebratory atmosphere. 



Acting Principal


We, at Staughton College, would like to show our respect and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is situated, of elders past and present. We extend a warm welcome to everyone who visits our school.