ICT Information Evening for NEW Families

For Year 7 families and NEW families in Year 8 - 12 

Have you booked yet?


We would like to invite our new families to attend one of the following ICT workshops 

  • Tuesday 27 February 6-7pm - onsite
  • Wednesday 28 February 6-7pm - onsite
  • Thursday 29 February 5:30-6:30pm - ONLINE


The workshop will introduce families to the Microsoft 365 platform, providing them with an understanding of how Teams, OneNote, Compass and Education Perfect are used for teaching and learning, and assessment and reporting at the college.


Please bring your child and their device along to the workshop.


A recording of the online session will be shared with families via the college newsletter.


We look forward to seeing you on one of the above dates.


Thank you.


Deb Kirk

Assistant Principal