School Cark Park Boom Gate Operating Hours 

The new boom gate in the school car park on Reserve Road will soon be operational. The timings have been carefully considered to enhance safety and convenience for all stakeholders.


Gate Closure Hours:

  • 8:15am to 3:40pm (Monday to Friday): Aimed at preventing traffic influx during school drop-off and pick-up times, ensuring a safer car park environment.
  • 10:00pm to 6:00am (Monday to Sunday): Aligned with the conclusion of MCC community activities and BSC Gym hire, enhancing security during low-traffic hours.

Please note that only staff vehicles are permitted during school hours (8am - 4pm). 

There is no official drop-off/pick-up area as we encourage students to walk or ride to school. If there are times when your child needs to be dropped off/picked up, we recommend using the Beaumaris Library along Reserve Road.


Thank you for supporting us in keeping our students safe.