Five Minutes with Mr Scully

BSC Staff Member

Mr Scully
Mr Scully

What is your role at the school?

Leading Teacher - House Leader. I work closely with the Year 7 and Year 10 Ricketts students as well as supporting the other Heads of House for Ricketts.

Do you have a message for students you may teach in the coming years? 

Pick subjects you are passionate about and interested in. What you do at school doesn’t dictate your career pathway. “But pick legal studies” - Edie W.

Do you have a favourite student?

I plead my right to silence.

Tell us about your family.

I've got two wonderful sisters that have children of their own, who keep us very occupied whenever we catch up with them. I also have a wonderful wife and we would love to have a dog join our family very, very soon - we just can’t agree on a breed. Considering a brown lab or a bulldog vs a cavoodle. 

What is your spirit animal and why?

Lion, absolutely! They’re majestic, that’s literally it. When I was in uni, instead of studying Law, I actually made a PowerPoint of all the different lions in the world. 


When asked if that put him in Gryffindor House, Mr Scully replied...I actually don’t read or watch anything about Harry Potter.


"Ouch... I'd still put him in Gryffindor though".

Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?

Hugh Jackman or Zac Efron, they have no resemblance to me whatsoever! I don’t care, just make it someone good!

Who would you like to swap places with for the day?

I would have loved to be Barack Obama’s speech writer or I'd love to switch roles with someone who works for the Australian cricket team - Match day operations! In school, I'd like to swap with Angela in the kitchen.

What is your favourite movie/TV?

"You can’t say Suits" - Amelia Purton.


Favourite TV show: SEAL Team

Favourite Movie: Saving Private Ryan

What is your ideal way to unwind and relax?

Going for a run. In winter, sitting by a fire, in summer, relaxing by the beach.

When you were little what did you aspire to be?

A cricket player! 

What would you sing at karaoke night?

Taylor Swift 'Love Story' or 'Heroes'.


When asked which artist Heroes is by, he responded “That's a great question because it all depends on the mood! Bowie and Peter Gabriel are the OGs for me, Gang of Youths is very good, but you also can't go past Ice House. So to answer your question, I don't know haha.

If not teaching Legal Studies, what would you teach?

Though set on Legal Studies, Healthy Lifestyles or even Our World.


Thanks Mr Scully! 


Interview and writing by Edie W, Amelia P and Zara B (Year 12).

Edie W
Amelia P
Zara B
Edie W
Amelia P
Zara B