College Captains' Report

We are extremely excited to be part of our Year 7-12 school, and in particular, we are extremely excited to work with the rest the school leadership team to help maintain a healthy school environment and ensure students feel appreciated and heard.  


As the 2024 College Captains, we aim to make a difference during our time as leaders and value the opportunity to work with the students at Beaumaris Secondary College. 


This term has started with a bang, with Year 7 students experiencing their first camp and settling into high school life. We are extremely proud of our Year 12 students who have continued their VCE/VET journey with a bang; you should all be proud of how far you have come in your schooling journey.


Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate our Year 12 formal and our final Swimming Carnival. It will be great seeing the Year 12s dressed up, and then the whole school showing off their house spirit. 


We look forward to the opportunities this year holds and can't wait to make it the best year yet. 


Riley T & Liv H

College Captains