Year 7 Camp 

Camp was so much fun this year. Before camp, I was a bit nervous as to who was going to be in my cabin, but it ended up being perfect! Once the day got started, I was surprised by how hot it was. We were meant to do pizza making, but because of how hot it was we made milkshakes and toasted sandwiches instead! My most favourite thing I did at camp was play quidditch. We played it like in Harry Potter. We had a wand and broomsticks and it was a bit hard to run but it was still fun. One thing I would tell next year’s Year 7s is to bring a torch! A lot of people didn’t bring one and the power went out. Everyone was running around trying to find a torch to borrow. Luckily the lights turned back on. It was lots of fun.


Keira M (7E)








A guide to camp

  • Bring snacks like: chips, lollies, chocolate
  • Put your snacks in a plastic bag or container so you don’t make as much noise when eating them
  • Don’t worry about who is in your cabin, camp is about making friends
  • Have a go at all your activities, they’re really fun!
  • The staff are so nice
  • Try your best at the challenges, and have fun!

Zoe M (7E)








When I first arrived at Lord Somers camp, my first thought was that there is a river right next to it! We were down on the Mornington Peninsula. We did lots of fun activities like beach games, quidditch and snorkelling. Something I would say to next year’s Year 7s is that you will have an amazing time and remember to bring snacks! My favourite thing about camp was making friends - anyone I didn’t know is now my friend. 😊


Jasper H (7E)