
Term 1, Week 2


The first part of the term has been an excellent opportunity to set up classroom norms, learning and behaviour expectations and connect to our new classes. Our ‘Learning Launch’ program has helped students settle into the term and learn about what the year may look like in the different areas of their learning. We have explored many areas, including developing resilience, taking pride in our work, building our strengths, having a growth mindset, and having high expectations for ourselves and others in the classroom and outside during break times.


We have also been revising our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) model and expectations, along with our learning in the Respectful Relationships initiative. More information about these two models will be shared in the newsletter throughout the year.  



You may like to complete an activity at home with your family, which is taken from the Foundation Respectful Relationships booklet. 


Drawing/describing emotions: Invite family members to draw or share the kinds of experiences that may lead to the emotions of feeling sad, happy, proud, frustrated and afraid. They don’t necessarily need to be experiences that people have encountered themselves but just observed in others. This can help remove any judgement people may feel if they share it as a personal experience. As people suggest experiences, you may also like to talk about what people can do when you feel these experiences and emotions. 


In this activity, children are given the opportunity to recognise and describe the kinds of experiences that may trigger certain emotions.


If you have any questions about Wellbeing at OOPS, please do not hesitate to email Adam Todd at: adam.todd@education.vic.gov.au