STEM & Kitchen Garden

Students have been very excited to finally visit the STEM room for their first visit this week. They have been learning about living things, habitats, evolution and natural selection as our focus this term is Biological Sciences.
The Year 3 and four students completed a STEM challenge where they had to build a bridge with 10 straws and a metre of masking tape. They tested the strength of their bridge by filling the cup with objects.
The kitchen garden program is off to a flying start this year. Years 5 and 6 started their Pasta unit. Yum! Julian and Asha are our new Kitchen Garden team this term and did a fantastic job!
The year 5 class had a wonderful time this morning following a delicious mac and cheese recipe whilst some of the students were outside gardening with some parent volunteers
-Vicki, STEM
-Julian & Asha, Kitchen Garden