From the Head of Boarding 

MEBS - A Legacy of Excellence

Dear Boarding Community,

Welcome to our first Mini Buzz newsletter. A special welcome to our new Boarders and their families. There were several emails/e-newsletters sent out before the start of Term 1 and at the beginning of 2024. It came to our notice that these were being received in Spam Folders including our own. This has been rectified now but for any parent who has not already done so, please check your junk mail/ spam folder to see recently sent messages from MEBS.


Positive start to the new year.

I would like to congratulate our Boarders, their families, and staff for their part in a really positive and smooth start to the Boarding year. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful group of young people in MEBS.


Kildare Awards Assembly

I was privileged to have attended the recent Kildare Awards Ceremony on Wednesday 8 February. Two of our 2022/23 Year 12 Boarders were present to receive their awards:

Ruby Carr and Jed Beavan. On behalf of the Boarding Community, I would like to congratulate them both on their achievements and wish them well for the future.

MEBS Boarders who are Kildare House Captains, Ronan Crain and Will Marsh assisted with the Awards ceremony. 


Swimming Carnivals

What does this mean for Boarders? 

Dinner is provided in the form of a BBQ for attendees and there is also a food van on site at Oasis pool.

The Colleges have sent out guidelines including requirements for attendance.

Boarding families need to advise regarding leave. 

Some Boarding families attend with their children and then take them home after the event. MEBS is not open during the day on the Friday following the Carnivals. Some Boarders who travel home by bus on Friday have made arrangements to be out during the day with a host. Please make contact with the Coordinators regarding plans for these two events. For this week we ask families to finalize Leave by Tuesday evening to assist with the coordination of  buses and meals. 


Mount Erin Parents' Advisory Group

In Term 4 last year we advertised for Boarding parents interested in being an elected member of the MEBS Boarding Advisory group. We will be sending out nomination forms for any parent who would like to be part of this group. We have two appointed members already, Mrs Jeanette Dumbrell (KCC) and Mr. Stephen Hines (MDCC).


Boarding Leaders' Dinner Meeting

MEBS student leaders (Boarding Captains, Rice House/ Nagle House Captains, and BRC leaders) to kick off the MEBS Leaders 2024 year with a dinner meeting at La Porchetta in Wagga Wagga.


Planned Activities

MEBS Activities Officer, Mr. Jody Siegwalt has been busy organising two additional proposed activities to augment those already in place. Both ar free.

  1. NRL Hogs Tour event at PCYC Wagga Wagga on Thursday15 Feb from 7.00 am to 8.00 am. This event features a Rugby/League coaching clinic conducted by Fred Fitler and other experienced coaches, providing valuable insights and training opportunities for the participants. Rotary will be generously providing breakfast for all attendees. Supervision will consist of local Police liaison officers, PCYC staff, and MEBS staff. Note; This is a one-off event.
  2. PCYC Fit for Life Programme (Maximum of 20 students)

Program Details:

Schedule: Fit For Life sessions take place every Wednesday morning from 7 am to 8am throughout the school term.


Activities: The program includes supervised sporting and physical activities in collaboration with local sporting organizations and law enforcement officers. 

Additionally, it offers a nutritious breakfast and transportation to school.

Boarders will sign up on a list provided by the Activities Officer  


Dining Room Update

A new addition to the MEBS Dining room is intended to improve the dining experience. The new cupboards /benches, and microwave ovens provide greater flexibility, and increased serving area.

Catering Manager Dave Lugton with Boys' Coordinator, Michael McTaggart in the redesigned dining/ serving area.
Catering Manager Dave Lugton with Boys' Coordinator, Michael McTaggart in the redesigned dining/ serving area.

Boys Kitchenette - supper/ afternoon tea

RICE House's "Nook Kitchenette" is in its planning stage with a mock-up dry kitchen in place complete with a microwave, kitchen cupboard, and bar fridge. Trialing the best position/ location for it is important and of course, there is a need for water/ drainage when the final location is found for the sink. The final version will match the Girl's Nook Kitchenette as seen in previous editions of Boarders' Buzz. 

The Rice House (Boys') Kitchenette - mock up testing the best possible location.
The Rice House (Boys') Kitchenette - mock up testing the best possible location.



MEBS does have CCTV cameras in some common areas/ walkways both external and internal. These are for security/ safety reasons and have been placed only in common spaces. Access to the internal CCTV is only on a needs basis and with permission to view from Principal/ CCTV via the IT Department.



It will not be long before the cooler weather arrives.

MEBS Hoodies are available online from the Kildare Uniform shop.


Test and Tag

Students' electrical items (charging cables/ hairdryers etc) were tested on Thursday 8 February. All items tested on this occasion passed. 


Boarder Driving

Driving a car is regarded as a privilege that is afforded only to Year 12 Senior students. 


We ask parents of Year 12 Boarders who wish to drive a car to Boarding to email a request to the Head of Boarding in the first instance. A copy of theDriving Policy/ Application form is available from the Boarding Office. It can also be downloaded from the Mount Erin Website.

A car must not be brought to MEBS before the Head of Boarding receives, approves, and signs the application form. A parking space is designated in the "Boarding Car Park" adjacent to the KCC swimming pool for each car which is provided based on approval of the driver application. 


Boarding student drivers must not carry other students at any time. The only exception to this policy is transporting siblings based on a request by parents and approval by the Head of Boarding. Please feel free to contact me at any time regarding student cars in Boarding.


Medical Forms

New forms have been sent to Boarding families from the Boarding Office to update information.

We ask parents/ carers to complete these forms and return them as soon as possible in readiness for the new term. Thank you to parents/ carers who have already done this.


Boarders Buzz full Edition #1 will be published in Week 5 (Friday 1st March)




John Bussenschutt I Head of Boarding