Assistant Principal's Report 

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome back to what promises to be another exciting and engaging year here at BEPS. I hope your family has enjoyed a safe, relaxing and fulfilling vacation period.


I’m Edwina, Acting AP, and I am currently filling Andrew’s old position, so you will find me working alongside Teri when she returns. 


I would like to introduce myself so you can get to know me; I'm part of a lively family with five big kids who keep our family buzzing with plenty to talk about and do. We love going to the beach and coming together with family and friends over a good meal. When I'm not enjoying the sun, you can find me engrossed in a crime thriller novel; I love working out a good mystery!


Beyond that, I have a green thumb and love to garden and 'get on the tools' to fix things around the house. Being outdoors is a favourite pastime for me. And when it comes to food, you will catch me indulging in my absolute favourites – raspberries and dark chocolate! 


If you drop by my office to say hello, do not be surprised if you catch me singing along to a tune. Despite my lack of singing prowess, I enjoy listening to music. I look forward to the opportunity to get acquainted with everyone here at BEPS and participate in school community events. 


I would like to express my gratitude for the staff's efforts in planning, organising spaces, and demonstrating flexibility and resilience during the first week of school due to the exceptional circumstances with our new building compliance. The application of our values—resilience, responsibility, respect, honesty, and confidence—has been evident in their work. 


I have appreciated the warm welcome extended to me by staff, students and parents. Thank you for making me feel part of the BEPS team!

