Inquiry Investigations: Healthy Communties

Term 1 Inquiry Investigations: Healthy Communities

This term’s Big Idea is all about the people, places and services that contribute to a healthy community, as well as the many different communities that we are all a part of, including our families, school, state and country. Students will investigate the importance of our school values, 8 Habits of Healthy Kids, the role of rules and laws within society, and a range of organisations and services within communities that help to make our community healthy and safe. 


Our Inquiry Investigations for this term supports Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (


A snapshot of the BIG and GUIDING questions that the students have developed to guide our investigations within their year level:




Big Question: How is a community like a machine? 


Guiding Questions: 

  • Is every gear/cog/part important?
  • Why is it important to have different types of gears? 



Big Question: What things keep us safe, happy and healthy?


Guiding Questions:

  • What things keep us safe, happy and healthy? 
  • How can I improve my hygiene?
  • Who keeps me safe?
  • What are healthy foods? 
  • Who keeps me safe, happy and healthy? 

Year 1 


Big Question: Why do we need a range of community facilities to promote healthy communities?


Guiding Questions:

  • Where do you go in a community to exercise?
  • Why do we have feelings?
  • Where does fruit come from? 
  • What does exercising do for you?
  • How can a community be healthy?
  • What is a community? 
  • Why do we celebrate? 

Year 2 


Big Question: How can we stay safe in the community?  How can we thrive in our community?


Guiding Questions:

  • Why do we follow expectations?
  • How can I keep myself and others safe?
  • Who can I seek when I need help?

Year 3 


Big Question: How do the contributions that we make to our community impact the health of the community?


Guiding Questions:

  • What roles do the government have within my community?
  • What celebrations bring together my community?
  • Who is a good role model in our community? Why?

Year 4 


Big Question: How does my community support/effect/influence my health and wellbeing?


Guiding Questions: 

  • What is a healthy community?
  • Who can help me with my health and wellbeing?
  • Why is it important to live in a healthy community?

Year 5 


Big Question: How are communities formed to function effectively? 


Guiding Questions:

  • What is a community? 
  • What is essential for a community?
  • How are communities made fair? 

Year 6 


Big Question: How does a healthy community evolve?


Guiding Questions:

  • What is a healthy community? 
  • Who is responsible for a healthy community? 
  • Why do we need healthy communities?  
  • How can we sustain, contribute to and improve our healthy community? 

We look forward to sharing our journey into this investigation with you all as the term progresses.


From Abbey, Leanne and the Inquiry CAT Team