
A call to Justice!
Term one is full steam ahead in Justice. Congratulations and welcome to the Justice Co-Captains Harriet Berman and Hannah Cullen.
During the Justice Co-Captains speech at the opening assembly and mass last Monday, both Harriet and Hannah spoke about why social justice is so important to them. Why they joined the Justice Group at the college and why they value the role of College Justice Captain so much. They spoke of their common love for helping others and being a part of a community that looked beyond themselves. When involved in the Justice group they found a place that allowed them the ability to express themselves, enact the change that they wanted to see, form friendships and connections, and provide a meaningful sense of purpose.
Hannah continued this sentiment as she said “We became stronger, with the help of amazing people around us, and wanted to give that gift back to our community. So, we ask you to challenge yourselves this year and join us, to enrich your own and other’s lives by standing up for the voiceless, amplifying the concerns of the marginalised, and challenging the status quo when it perpetuates inequality, holding those in power accountable and demanding that every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances, is treated with dignity and respect.”
Harriet concluded their address by stating that “Every person deserves to live in a world where their rights are protected, their humanity is valued, and their potential is limitless, and remember, that together, we have the strength to work towards this goal.”
Congratulations again to Harriet and Hannah for their appointment and inspirational words. They truly embody the Mercy Values and show us how we can be “Stronger Together”.
St Mary’s House of Welcome
This Friday, February 9 the first group of year 11 and 12 student Volunteers served breakfast to the clients at St Mary’s House of Welcome.
The organisation has been supporting disadvantaged and people experiencing chronic homelessness since 1960. They serve three meals a day and depend on Volunteers to be able to achieve this.
Volunteering is an opportunity for Academy students to live the Mercy Values. Students will do this by preparing food, setting up tables and serving a hot breakfast to the clients of St Mary’s House of Welcome. This is such a valuable experience and if you speak to any of the students who have attended, they will say the same.
For more information
Marking the start of Lent
As you will be aware this coming Tuesday is Shrove Tuesday!
The Justice group will be selling pancakes from the Food Technology Rooms at Lunch on Tuesday. 2 pancakes will cost $3.00, including toppings such as lemon and sugar, honey, jam, chocolate sauce or maple syrup. Eftpos and Cash accepted.
All the proceeds will go to Project Compassion to kick off the school's fundraising efforts.
Project compassion is an annual fundraiser hosted by Caritas Australia.
Where do the funds we donate go? According to the Caritas website “Your support is the life blood of our humanitarian work. The generosity of kind everyday people is what makes a difference to the lives of vulnerable communities, globally. See how your support makes a difference.”
For more information:
Project Compassion in Mentor group participation
Following the Launch of Caritas - Project Compassion, mentor groups will be running a series of fundraising events until the end of term to contribute to the schools fundraising. Coin donations will also be collected via mentor groups throughout the term. So, if you have any loose change that you would like to pop into the Project Compassion box, please give it to your child to bring along!
Leading in a Mercy School
For the first time, the Young Mercy Leaders will be running a Student Leadership Formation for newly elected school leaders. It will run across two days at the Mercy Hub on Nicholson Street. Our School Co-Captains and Justice Co-Captains have been invited to attend.
Students will have the opportunity to join the two-day program exploring the unique qualities of ‘Mercy’ Leadership. They will also explore topics such as Leading in a Mercy school, Mercy in action, and working together they will have an opportunity to build leader action plans. The Academy student leaders have an opportunity to work together with student leaders from other Mercy schools. To share ideas, collaborate, inspire and discover new ways to embed Mercy in action with our school.
Young Mercy Links hopes that this will be an annual event. The formation will occur at the end of February.
For more information
Ms Melinda Sachanandani
Justice Leader