Secondary Years, Tarneit

Ms Joanne Wegener

A Flying Start to the Year

It's been a fabulous start to the year for our 730 students, with over 100 new students joining our community in the Secondary Years. Students have settled in well, adjusting to new timetables and classes, and the expectations of the year.


Our new student leaders have been recognised across the Secondary Years, with all newly appointed leaders receiving their leadership badges at either the Commencement Service or at this week's SY Assembly. 

Our parent information night on Wednesday 7 February was well attended. Thanks to all parents who found time in their busy schedules to attend the evening. Information shared at this evening is attached below and can also be found on Schoolbox.



The Secondary Years staff look forward to partnering with you as we work with your teens this year. As the initial point of contact, please reach out to your child's PC teacher who can assist you with most concerns.

Blessings for the year ahead.


Joanne Wegener

Head of Secondary

A Warm Welcome to All MYP Students

Middle Years Programme (MYP) reflects our core values of Grace, Respect, Integrity, and Courage. Our focus is on holistic development and fostering a community of caring, knowledgeable, and inquisitive learners. In the classroom, we encourage students to explore, ask questions, and engage with the world around them. 


For Year 7 and 8 students, they will be actively involved in service projects during Term 2 and 3, embodying our value of Grace through community engagement, and our commitment to creating responsible global citizens. These projects provide an excellent opportunity for students to apply their learning in real-world contexts, developing empathy and understanding of the needs of others. 


Year 9 students will embark on a journey with their community projects, which represent the culmination of the MYP. These projects align with our core value of Courage and empower students as agents of their learning, preparing them as global citizens who can lead and serve with integrity. 


Should parents wish to learn more about the MYP and our approach to education, they can seek further information by emailing me at We look forward to an enriching year ahead.  


Ms Jessica Ventura

MYP Coordinator