2024 has started of swimmingly at Korumburra Secondary College. One week into the academic year and our students were diving into action in the pool. The weather ensured many swimmers were wet before they got into the pool, however, that didn’t stop the competition, and with it warmer in the pool than out, many took to the water to try and qualify for the Interschool round or just to score points for their house!
The House Spirit gave a positive vibe to the atmosphere, along with DJ Bird (Ms Burdett) beats. Howitt were ready with their own rendition of ‘Yellow Submarine’ and there were some great costumes making the rounds – a banana, fairies, Mario Bros. and lots more!
Teamwork and encouragement was shining through in the novelty events with many members of each House offering support to their peers as they worked together striving for more House points. Teachers even jumped in the action to try and boost their teams chances of winning the House Trophy.
House pride flowed into the relays with students getting into the water for their only swim of the day to ensure their House had a team.
Staff versus House Captains was the grand finale with the McDonald Captains proving too strong for the teachers team. A huge congratulations to Whitelaw and Strzelecki who also took the challenge to the teachers.
Once all the points were finalised, it was McDonald who took out the Female Category, Male Category and Overall Champion.
Our college values were on show for all to see today. A big thankyou to the competitors, students who supported their peers over the course of the day, parents who came to watch the events, pool staff and the staff at KSC who made the day possible.
13 Girls | Lily Lovell (McD) | 13 Boys | Zac Fowles (Strz) |
14 Girls | Gypsy Quaife (McD) | 14 Boys | Blake Sherar (McD) |
15 girls | Taylor Pooley (Whit) | 15 Boys | Phoenix Lorkin (Whit) |
16 girls | Abbey Kill (McD) | 16 Boys | Zac Sherar (McD) |
17 Girls | Kiera Witton (McD) | 17 Boys | Marty Cook (Whit) |
18-20 Girls | Jacqui Turton (McD) | 18-20 Boys | Tom Sherar (McD) |
Girls Aggregate | Boys Aggregate | ||
1st | McDonald | 1st | McDonald |
2nd | Whitelaw | 2nd | Whitelaw |
3rd | Strzelecki | 3rd | Howitt |
4th | Howitt | 4th | Strzelecki |
Overall | |||
1st | McDonald | ||
2nd | Whitelaw | ||
3rd | Howitt | ||
4th | Strzelecki |