It’s been a fantastic first two weeks of school at Korumburra Secondary College for 2024.
We started our first week with some Professional Learning for staff on the Monday, where our agenda was on our teaching and learning improvement focus for 2024. This year our staff will be working closely with teams of colleagues to share teaching tools and strategies that they know work well, and spending time in each other’s classes watching effective strategies in action. We will also be developing our whole school approach to teaching positive behaviours in line with our school values, and how we respond to student behaviour both with positive recognition and effective discipline approaches.
On Tuesday and Wednesday last week our Student 360s allowed our mentors to get to know their students for the year. The information gathered on these days, both through formal reflections on learning last year, and informal ‘getting to know you’ conversations will help ensure we continue to provide a safe and supportive environment and are able to set work at an effective level for all students.
Classes began on Thursday and it was great to see our staff and students engaging positively in some innovative and creative class activities. Like Minds, our signature extension and enrichment program, has grown to two classes in 2024, and Activate, our signature alternative learning environment program, has continued to grow in size in 2024. Through our mainstream classes, as well as our signature programs, we are able to provide a robust curriculum and pathway to success for all students.
It was great to see our community come together on two occasions last week. Our whole school participated in the annual Swimming Sport carnival on Monday, and it was great to see many parents come along. Despite the cold weather, the attitude, effort and participation from all students was outstanding.
On Thursday night we held our Senior School Information Evening. It was again wonderful to see so many of our senior students and parents join us for a conversation about thriving in Year 11 and 12. Our whole community is looking forward to supporting these students this year.