Principal Report

A Farewell Message but not Goodbye
Dear Newport Lakes Primary School Community,
It is with a mix of emotions that I bid farewell to this incredible community after 11 truly wonderful years as your principal. As I reflect on this journey, my heart swells with gratitude for the privilege of being a part of such an extraordinary school.
When I first stepped through the doors of Newport Lakes Primary School over a decade ago, I could not have anticipated the incredible experiences, cherished memories, and lifelong connections that would unfold. It has been a remarkable journey, one filled with growth, laughter, immense satisfaction, and shared accomplishments.
Together, we have navigated the ever-changing landscape of education, embracing innovation, fostering a love for learning, and instilling values that extend far beyond the classroom. The resilience and dedication of our students, staff, parents, and the wider community have been the driving force behind the success and warmth that defines Newport Lakes Primary School.
As I take this step towards a new chapter in my life, I carry with me the indelible mark that each of you has left on my heart. The countless hours of collaboration, the joyous celebrations of achievements big and small, and the unwavering support during challenging times – these are the threads that weave the unique tapestry of our school community.
I want to express my deepest gratitude to the exceptional teaching and support staff who work tirelessly to nurture the minds and hearts of our students. Your dedication to excellence and your passion for education have created an environment where every child feels seen, heard, and valued.
I must also give a big thank you to the two assistant principals during my time at Newport Lakes, Janet and Carly. Both have not only been outstanding and knowledgeable teachers but also have been my trusted and loyal co-leaders during my journey at NLPS. There is no question that being the principal of any primary school can be an extremely stressful and demanding role and without the trusted support from both Carly and Janet my productive and successful leadership at NLPS would not have been possible, and certainly not as enjoyable or rewarding as my journey has been.
To the parents and caregivers, thank you for entrusting us with the education and well-being of your children. Your involvement, enthusiasm, and commitment to their growth have been the cornerstone of our shared success.
A special mention to the Parents Club & School Council members that have I worked closely during my time at Newport Lakes who have given me incredible support, community understanding and have added so much to our school. A huge shout out to Sam, Erin and all the School Council Presidents who given so much time, encouragement and assistance in helping to make Newport Lakes a wonderful community school during my time as principal.
And, of course, to our incredible students – you are the heartbeat of Newport Lakes Primary School. Your curiosity, resilience, and boundless potential inspire us daily. As you continue your educational journey, remember that the foundation laid here is strong, and you carry the spirit of our school wherever you go.
I cannot express the pride, joy, satisfaction and happiness that I receive as I visit classrooms, walk through our school yard, attend school camps etc. and have the children just say “Hi David – How are you today?” Simple words I have never taken for granted, nor will I ever forget.
While I am saying farewell to my role as Principal, I am not saying goodbye to the Newport Lakes Primary School community. The friendships forged and the memories created will always hold a special place in my heart. I look forward to seeing the continued growth and success of this remarkable school from afar.
In closing, I want to express my deepest appreciation for the support, kindness, and camaraderie that have defined these 11 years. Newport Lakes Primary School will always be a home to me, and I leave with a heart full of gratitude and pride.
Semester Two Reports now available on Compass
Semester 2 Reports were made live on Compass yesterday for parents and carers.
A reminder that all families not returning to NLPS in 2024 are required to download (save and/or print) all of their child's reports off compass as your accounts will automatically deactivate from Thursday 21st December.
Congratulations Graduates!
This year’s grade 6s were celebrated last Thursday evening during a wonderful graduation ceremony. It was fantastic to see so many family members there and be able to enjoy the mild evening and its festivities. This group of students have had an interesting primary school journey and I am so proud to have been their principal and to have seen them grow into exceptional young people. Also, a big ‘well done’ to the 5/6 PLT for putting the event together, and ensuring the new format was successful.
We are looking forward to acknowledging this wonderful group of students for the last time during the final assembly for the year, including the traditional ‘Avenue of Honour’.
Departing Staff
Besides myself, we also say goodbye to two other staff members. Shayne Robson and Krissy Barr are heading to new schools, both much closer to their respective homes. On behalf of our students and families, thank you for your efforts here at NLPS and best wishes for your new teaching chapters.
Wishing you all continued success, joy, and fulfillment.
With warmest regards,
David Moss
School concludes tomorrow, Wednesday 20th December at 1.30pm.
End of Year Assembly
An assembly will be conducted at 12.40pm featuring a special farewell to our Year 6 students and a few of our departing staff, including myself!
After the general school announcements, the Yr.6 children will then be farewelled through the traditional Newport Lakes ‘Avenue of Honour’ formed by all the teachers and children in the school. This special event will be conducted on the school oval immediately after the assembly. Parents and friends are invited to this special farewell assembly.
All students will then return to their rooms and will be dismissed at 1.30pm directly from their classrooms.
2024 Return To School Dates
Students in Year 1 to 6 will start on Wednesday 31st January 2024.
Foundation (Prep) students will meet with their teachers for 1:1 interview and assessment between 30th January and 7th February. Parents will receive information regarding their allocated assessment times.
Foundation students will have a staggered start to school after the week of assessments:
- Thursday 8th February – 9:00am to 1:30pm
- Friday 9th February – 9:00am to 1:30pm
From Monday 12th February onwards all Foundation students will attend school from 9:00am to 3:15pm Monday to Friday.
2024 Changes to School Hours
Reminder - From the beginning of 2024 there will be a shorter lunch period and children will be dismissed at the earlier time of 3:15pm each day. After school care will commence from this new time for all families that require care to accommodate for the change in time.
- School Day Commences - 9.00 am
- Morning Recess - 11:00 am to 11:30 am
- Lunch Recess - 1:30 pm to 2:15 pm
- School Dismissed - 3:15pm
2024 Term Dates
- Term 1 - Monday 29th January to Thursday 28th March - (2:15pm Dismissal)
- Term 2 - Monday 15th April to Friday 28th June - (2:15pm Dismissal)
- Term 3 - Monday 15th July to Friday 20th September - (2:15pm Dismissal)
- Term 4 - Monday 7th October to Friday 20th December - (1:15pm Dismissal)