Learning & Teaching


Specialist Programs are an integral component of the school's curriculum and the learning programs in these areas. The areas encompass Physical Education, Performing Arts, Visual Art and Health/Library.  Key to learning in the specialist areas is the belief that experience and participation in various disciplines with a particular focus on enjoyment and engagement empower our students and provide them with a broad and fulfilling education.  The Victorian Curriculum underpins each learning area.


In Physical Education during term one the learning focus is:

  • Junior (P-2)  Prep - Cooperative games, Perceptual Motor Program, Ball Bounce and  Grade 1/2 - Cooperative Games, Locomotion, Ball bounce
  • Middle (3-4) Cooperative games, Net/Wall Sports (Tennis, Volleyball), Basketball 
  • Senior (5-6) Net/Wall Sports (Tennis, Volleyball), Basketball 


The Performing Arts program

  • Junior (P-2)  Prep - learning about beat and rhythm through simple chants and songs and learning about safe dance practices

Grade 1 - Rests and new notes in music, playing percussion instruments

Grade 2 - consolidate and continue to develop knowledge of simple rhythms and notes to play on bar instruments as well as learn about dynamics.  

  • Middle (3-4) Grade 3 - Improvising melodies on bar instruments

Grade 4 - Reading and Writing music with multiple instruments and parts

  • Senior (5-6) Grade 5 Body Percussion and African Drumming

Grade 6 - Ukuleles


The Visual Arts program

  •  Junior (P-2)  Prep - Drawing and making images and objects related to self.      Grade 1/2 - Drawing images and making objects related to self and personal environments in different forms.
  • Middle (3-4) Drawing artworks of different styles and artists to inspire their own expression of ideas of self. Identifying and explaining choices in art making from the influences of other artists on their artworks.
  • Senior (5-6) Making aesthetic choices about the expression of ideas and beliefs and describing the use of visual conventions and processes to self.

The Health and Library program

  • Junior (P-2)  Feelings, emergency services and Safety (E-safety, medicines, road and water safety)
  • Middle (3-4) Feelings, emergency services and Safety (E-safety, medicines, poisons, road and water safety)
  • Senior (5-6) E-safety media influence, Alcohol, Vapes and other drugs.
  • Grade sixes will take most of the term to complete the eSmart Alannah & Madeline Foundation Digital Licence