Community News

Welcome back to all our PVCC families and a special welcome to all our new families. We are so glad to have you join our college and look forward to helping you and your child/ren settle into college life. You’ll find lots of references to useful information and dates in this newsletter.
Parents and Friends Group
Our Parents and Friends group is a highly valued team of parents and carers that support our college through fundraising and supporting the running of events and activities that build our community. If you would like to be part of this group or learn more, we’d love to connect with you. Please contact Jessica Patterson to express your interest
Valley Vine Yearbooks
If you would like any copies of the Valley Vine from the last few years, we have some available and will soon be disposing of excess stock so please request these from the Office.
Just a reminder Term 1 is a “Hats on” term at lunch and recess.
If you’ve lost your hat over the holidays – the Second Hand Uniform Shop will be open Monday the 29th from 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm where you can purchase a spare hat.
Second Hand Uniform Shop Update
After community consultation we are shifting the opening hours of the shop to Friday mornings from 8:30 am – 9:30 am (once the school term begins).
The shop will be open on Monday 29 January 2:30 - 3:30pm and then on Friday mornings.
We look forward to continuing to serve the community in this way. Reminder all donations made to the Second Hand Uniform Shop can be made at reception and you will receive a 20% discount on future purchases from the Second Hand Uniform Shop.
Items are priced less than half of the full retail price and all proceeds will go to the Parents and Friends Fund, which is used to benefit the students. We are only able to accept payments made by card.
Please sign into the college on arrival at the office or reception and they will direct you where to come. The shop is a small space so only 1-2 customers will be able to shop at the one time. Other customers will need to queue outside the shop in the Primary Meeting Room. Given the limited size of the space, there is no fitting room and having an idea of the item and size you require may be helpful!
We accept donations of all current uniform items (except for the old style rain jacket) in good washed condition, without tears or stains (small marks ok). All uniform donations are greatly appreciated and can be made at the office.
Family Picnic
We are excited to welcome all PVCC families to our upcoming Family Picnic!
Friday 16 February 5:00 – 7:00pm
Come along to meet and connect with other college families, while enjoying your picnic. We’ll gather on the grassy hill between the car park and the primary basketball courts and enjoy some live music!
Bring along your picnic blanket, camping chairs, food and drinks (no alcohol please).
More details will come soon but please mark your diaries and we look forward to seeing you there!
School Photo Day
College photos – All students in Years Prep to Year 12 and staff will have their class and individual photos taken on this day.
Monday 12 February 2024.
Sibling photo day
Friday 16 February 2024.
Further information will be sent to families in due course.
Scholastic Book Club
Issue 1 orders are due by 15 February