BPS Community


Sally Collins

Brighton Primary - A multi-generational school

We know that we have parents (and even teachers!) in our school community who once were students at Brighton Primary, but recently we had a 3rd generation student start at our school!


Lenny Materia, recently started Prep, following in the footsteps of his father, Nick, who was a student in the 1990s, and Nick's father, Frank, who attended in the 1960s!


Frank was the first non-English speaking student at our school after his parents migrated from Italy.  We now have many families whose first language is not English, and we are a truly multi-cultural school while still retaining these wonderful generational links with our local community.

Frank, Lenny and Nick Materia
Frank, Lenny and Nick Materia


This story generated a fair amount of interest on our school's FaceBook page with ex-pupils from different eras sharing their memories of our school.  Did you know that there used to be a milk bar across the road in the 1970s that sold cream buns and children would receive milk at recess at school?  And, back then, the fife was the musical instrument that most children played!


If you have a similar story that you think would be of interest and you would like to share with our school community, please email brighton.ps@education.vic.gov.au.  We love hearing about past pupils and our diverse community.