Grade 5/6 News
Term 3, Week 8
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Grade 5/6 News
Term 3, Week 8
Welcome to the Grade 5/6 News Page
In Reading, for the remainder of the term, we will continue reading our class novel 'Boy Overboard'. Students will explore the text from a word level (interesting vocabulary), sentence level (sentence structure and grammar) and whole text level (comprehension). We will also explore our reading fluency, through a 'Reader's Theatre' project. Students have been enjoying rehearsing their roles, practising their pace and expression.
In Writing, we have started our Procedure unit. We have been learning about the use of verbs and adverbs during this writing process. Students have enjoyed writing a procedure on 'How to Survive a Year in Grade 5/6'. For the remainder of the term, students will work on publishing a piece of writing.
In Mathematics, our weeks are broken into 2 sections. On Mondays and Fridays, we focus on an Applied area of Mathematics and on Wednesdays and Thursdays, our students move into 'fluid groups' to develop their Mathematical understanding, at their individual point of need in the curriculum.
In Weeks 7 & 8, our students have been enjoying learning about money and relating their learning to real world scenarios. Money will continue to be the learning focus for the remainder of the term.
In STEAM, our Grade 5s have started the creation phase for their electricity model of either a fan, torch or steadiness tester game. Our Grade 6 students have been working on finalising their 'Battle Bots'. Students are looking forward to our knock-out battle bot competition at the end of term.
Other Notices:
Grade 5/6 Melbourne Camp
Keep an eye out on Compass for a final reminder about Camp to go out on Friday.
Cinema excursion (Runt)
An event for the Grade 5/6 Cinema Excursion will be posted out soon. The cost for this has been included in the Camp fees. Therefore, you will only need to provide consent via Compass.
If your child is not attending camp then there will be a separate event page for you, where you will need to pay and provide consent.