News from the Office & School Events
Special Events Information & Administration Updates
News from the Office & School Events
Special Events Information & Administration Updates
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The Prep - Year 4 students will be participating in an eight day swimming program commencing next week, as per the following details:
Event Name: Prep - Year 4 Swimming Program (8 Days)
Venue: Bayfit Leisure Centre, Mason Street, Altona North
Dates of Event: Tuesday 10th September – Friday 13th September (4 Days)
Monday 16th September – Thursday 19th September (4 Days)
Year Level: All students in Years Prep - 4
Teacher/s: Prep - Year 4 Class teachers
The Prep - Year 4 Swimming Program is an eight day program which runs over two weeks.
Students will travel by bus to the Bayfit Leisure Centre on Mason Street, Altona North and are to wear their FULL SPORTS UNIFORM, including runners each day to school during the program.
IMPORTANT: Students will need to come to school dressed with their bathers underneath their sports uniform.
It is advisable that students wear two piece bathers to make it easier for them when they need to use the toilet.
Children need to bring the following items in a small bag/back pack, labelled with their name - separate to their school bag.
Please ensure that all used items (ie underwear & towels) are replaced each day.
Please label items where possible:
A great component of the swimming program is to foster independence. In light of this we encourage students to take responsibility for their belongings as well as drying and dressing themselves. If you know your child has difficulty in this area please support them at home to practice these skills.
Should your child lose any of his/her possessions throughout the program, a lost property box will be located near the school office. Please note that the school will not take any responsibility for items lost.
The swimming lesson timetable is as follows:
1) Preps | 10:30am – 11:10am |
2) Year 1s | 11:20am – 12:00pm |
3) Year 2s | 12:10pm – 12:50pm |
4) Year 3s | 1:00pm – 1:40pm |
5) Year 4s | 1:50pm – 2:30pm |
Children will be grouped into skill levels and will be supervised by instructors, pool attendants and teachers.
Parents/Guardians are welcome to make their own way to the pool to watch their child's lesson. If you have any concerns regarding the daily swimming program, please approach your child's classroom teacher and they will discuss any issues with the swimming instructor. We also ask that you do not purchase food or drinks for your child from the kiosk at the swimming pool.
Tickets for our Bogan Bingo Night will be on sale from 3pm on Friday 13th September.
One of our Sacred Heart parents is connected with Stradia Sports, a manufacturer and supplier of goods/equipment to local schools/clubs across Australia.
The family have generously offered a 15% discount on all orders placed by Sacred Heart families on the website,
The unique code to enter to receive the discount is SHN15STRADIA
On behalf of the school community, I express our thanks to Stradia Sport for their generosity.
Monday 4th November - Allocated time in lieu day for staff under CEMEA 2022 Agreement
Wednesday 6th November - "Sketching 2025" for staff
Thank you to the families who supported the Father's Day stall last week. There were lots of happy and excited children! We hope all of our dads and special friends had a lovely day on Sunday and enjoyed their gifts from the stall.
A big thank you to Megan Di Clemente, Rebecca Greaves and Micaela McGee for organising the stall and to the parents who were able to help out on the day.