Parents & Citizens 


P&C Meetings

The P&C usually meet on the first Monday of each month from 5.00pm at the school. Everyone is welcome to come along!

Latest P&C Report

Rocky River Public School P&C Newsletter Week 8, Term 3

Hello, what a busy term its been. Next term is shaping upto be even busier, with Thunderbolt Festival and New England Sings on the same weekend.  Rocky River P&C cake stall at Thunderbolt festival is wellknown for its fabulous cakes and slices.

Heres a quick recipe to start the (dough) ball rolling.


Weetbix Slice

Place in a bowl 3 fine crushed weet-bix, 1 cup each SRflour and coconut, 3/4 brown sugar, 2 tablespoons cocoaand mix well. Melt 175grams butter, pour overingredients, mix well and press into greased lamington tin.Bake at 175 degrees until nicely brown. Ice while warm,allow to cool and cut into squares.


We appreciate any and all baking donations for the P&C stall. Every cent raised goes to helping fund and support our kids at Rocky.


School Building Newsletter

Meeting with Joe Warman (NSW Schools Infrastructure), Matt Hobbs,

Dani Clyde-Smith and Rocky River P&C.


Our discussion with Joe Warman on Thursday 5th September was very positive and respectful. We are most appreciative of NSW Schools Infrastructure allowing us some time to be heard and to get some more clarity on the process that will replace our essential asset – Building A.


While they cannot provide any timeframe for work at this stage, funds have been allocated and are awaiting clearance. Once the funding is available, the planning can begin. This will not be a quick process, it will still take time to plan, tender, design, demolish and rebuild – we are talking years, not months, for this. 


We are also assured that the School will remain open while this work takes place, so students will not have to be relocated to another institution. 


NSW School Infrastructure will provide a fit-for-purpose PERMANENT building, inline with current classroom size guidelines, and the demountable buildings will no longer take up our playground space. The building must meet all new accessibility, energy efficiency and water access/drought resilience requirements. 


While the funding is not unlimited, NSW Schools Infrastructure will ‘do what they can with what they have’. The design team will consult with the Principal about the needs of the students, and the Parents and Community can have input through Dani.


The P&C are working to retain the function of the old Covered Outdoor Learning Area (COLA) as it is a major part of the School’s facility – an all-weather play area, community engagement space for assemblies, an extension of space for visiting groups (educational visits, combined schools activities etc), stage and performance area, and more. 


There are no guarantees in what the end result will look like, however we are assured the School will not be decommissioned.





School polo shirts, jumpers and jackets are available through the P&C.  Order forms are available from the school office, the Audiri App and the attachment below.  


We still have some long sleeve shirts available for $10 each in sizes 4, 12, 14, 16 and S.


There are a large number of pre-loved uniform items available at the school office at $5 per item.


Uniforms - Rose 0438 828 247

Canteen - Erica 0422 054 475 



P&C Secretary